Featured Author- always-second-best

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This months Featured Author is always-second-best - winner of the letter writing contest in collaboration with justanote. The contest was about finally being able to tell someone how much they meant to you, and to say thank you for whatever they had done to help you.

Congratulations on winning the letter writing contest! What made you want to take part?

I try to enter all the contests I can so that I can improve my writing- not only do they give me practice, but contests often bring people to critique my work, which I find exceptionally helpful.

Your letter was very heartfelt, who was it written to?

Chozowarrior, my best friend as of 5 years. She's always been there for me, even though I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing friend. She means a lot to me, and I just wanted to thank her for everything.

She sounds like a really great friend. Was it easy for you to write the letter? Do you feel you were able to get across everything you wanted to say to her?

It wasn't easy emotionally, but the actual writing process was simple. And there aren't really any words to tell her everything, you know?

Do you think that writing a letter was a good way of telling her how you felt? Would you have told her without it?

I think it was a good opportunity for me to show how I feel, but I probably would have found a way (much later) to tell her if that opportunity hadn't arisen.

Can you see yourself writing more letters in the future to tell people how you feel about them?

I really did enjoy writing the letter, and I can see myself doing it again, provided I had a good enough prompt.

And finally, what does the word 'diversity' mean to you?

And diversity is the ability to interact with or have a community of people who are different from each other, be that ethnicity, sexuality, religion, language, body structure, medical conditions, or anything else, really. It's the lack of identity.

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