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This month is all about the condition Fibromyalgia... Here are the facts!

Fibromyalgia is a chronic pain condition which involves widespread pain which is made worse when touched. There are specific pain trigger points too- 

Fatigue, or tiredness, is another common symptom, as is trouble with sleep and memory

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Fatigue, or tiredness, is another common symptom, as is trouble with sleep and memory. Memory problems are often called 'Fibro-fog' and feels like your brain has been replaced with cotton wool. Some people also have symptoms like restless legs syndrome, bowel and bladder problems, numbness and tingling, sensitivity to noise, lights or temperature. 

A lot of people who have Fibro also have depression, anxiety and PTSD. 

So what causes Fibromyalgia? The truth is no one knows- yet! Though it is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors, meaning it may run in families or be 'triggered' by stress, trauma or a bad infection. 

The pain comes from the central nervous system and a condition called 'central sensitization syndrome.' 

A few years ago it was very hard to get diagnosed with this condition, as many doctors didn't believe it existed- there are no tests you can have to 'prove' it, instead it is diagnosed after ruling out other conditions that can be diagnosed by tests. 

However it is now a recognised disorder! yay! So a lot more Doctors are coming out of medical school having been taught all about it and are willing to diagnose it. 

There is no cure of Fibromialgia, but there are some things that people can do to help themselves feel a little better- though its important to remember that they don't all work for some. 

Better quality sleep, regular low impact exercise and a healthy diet are important. 

CBT may also be helpful in many cases for those who are struggling with the mental side of having a life long condition. Remember that mental health problems can manifest themselves into very real physical problems.Strong painkillers are often prescribed. 

Also having Fibromyalgia doesn't kill you, but you do have to live with it for the rest of your life. 

It estimated to affect 2–8% of the population, with women affected about twice as often as males. 

The term "fibromyalgia" is from New Latin, fibro-, meaning "fibrous tissues", Greek μυώ myo-, "muscle", and Greek άλγος algos, "pain"; thus the term literally means "muscle and fibrous connective tissue pain".

The term "fibromyalgia" is from New Latin, fibro-, meaning "fibrous tissues", Greek μυώ myo-, "muscle", and Greek άλγος algos, "pain"; thus the term literally means "muscle and fibrous connective tissue pain"

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If you want some more information about this condition head over to-

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