Ch.8: C-Rank Mission

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A/N: Yo! Here's Chapter eight!



Tsubame’s POV

We were currently chasing a cat for the wife of the Fire Country's Daimyo, the cat’s name was Tora and boy, was he trouble. Even I have to admit he was fast, but not as fast as me when I run in full power but right now I was holding back seeing as that I don’t want anyone to be suspicious of me.

Naruto managed to grab him but the cat started scratching him. Sakura and I giggled at his predicament while Sasuke affirmed to Kakashi through the earpiece that it was the correct cat.

We soon arrived in the Hokage’s office and handed the cat to Madam Shijimi, the wife of the Fire Country’s Daimyo. She was crushing the life out of him as she said, “Ohh, my cute little Tora-chan. I was so worried.”

“Gyahaha!!! On your face you stupid cat.” Naruto said as he laughed at Tora.

The Hokage began to speak about our next missions but Naruto crossed his arms and told him that he wanted a better one. I smirked and simply observed silently the outcome.

Umino Iruka, the man that was sitting beside the Hokage suddenly got up and yelled, “You idiot!! You are just a rookie!!! Everyone starts off with simple duties and works their way up!!!”

“But!! But!! We keep getting the crappiest possible duties!!!” Naruto yelled back. Kakashi-kun proceeded to hit Naruto on the head just as the Hokage began to explain the mission system. The lecture was simply boring so I just listened to Naruto’s story about what ramen he ate.

The others turned out to be ignoring the Hokage’s lecture too and he grew irritated. The Hokage yelled at us to listen to him so we did. I sighed and suddenly thought that it must have been a waste of breath even trying to explain a system most people don’t care about hearing.

Naruto started saying that he now a ninja and that he wasn’t the brat he used to be anymore, this made Iruka smile together with the Hokage seeing the determination in his eyes. The Hokage sighed and eventually said that we would be taking a C-Ranked mission.

This made my eyes widen a bit soon slowly becoming back to normal. The Hokage began explaining, “It’s a mission to protect a certain individual.”

“Yay!” Naruto cheered and impatiently asked, “Who?!! Who?!! A Feudal Lord?!! A princess?!!”

“Calm down, I’m about to introduce him.” The Hokage said. “Hey, will you come in here?”

The door suddenly opened revealing a grey-haired, bespectacled man with a large beard and dark eyes. He was wearing a sleeveless v-neck shirt with an obi, pants and a pair of sandals. There was a towel that was hanging around his shoulder and not to mention, he also was carrying a sake bottle.

“What’s this? They’re all a bunch of snot-nosed brats.” The drunken old man said as he drank from the bottle. “Especially…the shortest one with the stupid-looking face. Are you really a ninja? Hey?!!”

“Haha!! Who’s the shortest one with the stupid face…” Naruto began to laugh but faltered as he saw that Sasuke, Sakura and I were taller than him. Sasuke was taller than me by one inch and then it was me, then it was Sakura and then last but not the least was Naruto.

“I’LL KILL YOU!!!” Naruto yelled as he was about to run up to the man but was held back by Kakashi. “What’s the point of killing the person we’re supposed to protect? Idiot!” Kakashi scolded him.

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