Ch.35: A Forgotten Memory

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A/N: Yo! It's been quite some time since I've written an author's note. By the way, to those that hve read the previous chapter, I changed some parts at the last part. Some of those who commented made me take a step back, the person was right concerning Jiraiya being able to easily figure out that my OC is not who she says she is so that's why I edited it a bit.

As always my faithful followers, I thank you for commenting,  voting and following me! I really appreciate it! Please continue on giving me your support!



Third POV

Tsubame soon arrived within Tanzakugai in a whirlwind of leaves. She was on top of a roof of a random building. Her nose was in the air, sniffing the scents all around. She was trying to discern which one belonged to the Slug Queen, one of the legendary sannins known as Tsunade.

She had smelled this person's scent before when she was younger so it would be a little easier in trying to find her location. She had sniffed twice or thrice before she managed to locate her. Tsunade wasn't alone though, it seemed like that she had two companions. One human and one animal, specifically a pig.

Tsubame sighed and closed her eyes. Her senses suddenly flared up as she was moving closer to the target, something was amiss, something dangerous was heading for  Tsunade and her companions.

She wrinkled her nose in disgust once she smelled that snake bastard's scent. She refused to show it on her face though, she continued to follow Tsunade who also seemed to be wary of  something.

The snake bastard's scent was getting closer. She saw him appear before them and one of the castles seemed to have collapsed due to Tsunade's awesome strength as she tried to punch Orochimaru.

"It's been quite a while...Orochimaru." She said.

"I've looked all over," Orochimaru spoke. 

"What have you got with me now?" She asked. "Better not be trying to waste my time by talking about the old days..."

"I have a little favor to ask from you..." He answered and his bandaged hand twitched a little. Tsunade noticed this of course. She refused him at first but when Orochimaru mentioned that he had killed the Third Hokage and got that wound from that, she was shocked.

"You really... are," Tsunade grew angry.

"Heh...Don't make a scary face like that," He said with an evil grin on his snake-like face. "Something with form is destined to crumble, same goes for people. You too, know of this've lost the two of your most beloved..."

He laughed evilly. "Ahh...those were certainly horrible ways to die..."

Tsunade's companion immediately attacked, bringing out her hidden weapons. They were all aimed for Orochimaru but Kabuto reacted and protected him. Tsunade called her to calm down, mentioning her name 'Shizune' in the process.

The Slug Queen smirked. "Hmph, Orochimaru, you haven't changed one bit." She gave a fake smile. "You know how I am, don't you? Don't kid around with me." She suddenly grew serious and smashed the wall beside her. "I'll kill you."

"We're not here to fight," Kabuto spoke. "We came here to negotiate." He started trying to persuade Tsunade to heal Orochimaru's arms but she started threatening to kill them if they didn't get out of her sight in five counts.

"5" Tsunade began to count.


"3" Kabuto sighed in annoyance.

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