Ch.40:The End of the Beginning, The Beginning of Another...

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Tsubame's POV

Hours later after Naruto and the others left to retrieve Sasuke. I was walking in the street looking through the shops with little interest when I smelled a familiar scent. 

Ara? I can smell his scent again...he must have arrived by now. I thought excitedly. I ran like the wind, drifting through the crowd and avoiding people at the same time. All they could feel was the rush of the wind and I smirked at the thought.

I finally arrived at the entrance to the village just in time to tackle a familiar gravity-defying silver haired and masked male who luckily managed to keep upright. It was Hatake Kakashi. Kotetsu and Izumo chuckled at the sight. "Hey Kakashi-san, looks like you got quite an excited student." Kotetsu teased him.

Kakashi blushed a little though it wasn't  obvious and cleared his throat in order to hide it. I smiled happily and nuzzled into his chest, keeping my grip around his torso tight enough. He moved awkwardly, trying to wiggle out of my hold but it was useless.

"Could you please let me go Tsubame?" He asked, almost pleadingly. I smirked as I looked to the side and then turned to look at him with a blinding smile. "Alright, if you say so Kakashi." I let go of him and moved backward.

"Wow, first name basis already Kakashi." Kotetsu and Izumo appeared instantly at his side, elbowing his ribs. Kakashi simply gave them a ''light'' punch to their heads. "Mou, you're no fun." They whined as they left back to their stations at the entrance.

I giggled as we headed to the Hokage's office. He narrowed his eyes at me. "You do know it's your fault right? You had to give me that kind of greeting in front of those idiots." He said in an annoyed tone.

"Hm? What did you say?" I asked, pretending not to hear what he said. He simply sighed and calmly picked up the pace. "You know, we should pick up the pace. The Hokage wants to see you immediately." I said.

He groaned in annoyance and sped off with me able to keep up with his new pace. He jumped through the roofs of the buildings in order to get there quickly. We finally arrived and he was surprised to learn of the news.

Lady Tsunade had wanted him to do another mission but he refused telling her that he would do it later. He left her office with all of us knowing that he was gonna go after them. I told him that I would go with him to which he protested at first but later gave in due to my persistence. We set off immediately, there was no time to lose.


Pakkun  and the other ninken were summoned in order to scent out their smells. I greeted them warmly all with a pet to their heads. They smiled and greeted me in return. Kakashi was a bit confused at our interaction.

"When did you get all chummy with my ninken?" He asked curiously.

"Sometime ago," I said and he simply sighed again.

"Anyway guys, please search for Naruto or Sasuke or perhaps even both of them if you can." He said to the them. They nodded and quickly sniffed out the boys' scents.

I actually had already scented out their smells and gave a tap to Kakashi's back. He turned. "I'm going on ahead, see you there Ka-kun~" I said and disappeared in a a flash.


I found the two in a battle to the death. Sasuke was holding Naruto by the neck while his other hand was charging up a Chidori. I realized immediately what Sasuke was about to do to Naruto and ran towards them.  "NO!!!" I shouted as I pushed Naruto away just in time for me to be hit by Sasuke's Chidori.

Sasuke's hand went through my chest, directly where my heart was located. His eyes widened in surprise by my sudden appearance. I had coughed out blood and was bleeding very badly. As a yokai, I could survive this but right now it was a problem. I wasn't where I was supposed to be. Sasuke immediately removed his hand.

"Tsubame-chan!" Naruto's loud voice called out to me.

I looked at the blonde haired boy and gave him a gentle smile. Slowly, I was falling to the surface of the river with only chakra holding me up. Naruto pushed Sasuke away and kneeled beside me. "Tsubame-chan! Why did you interfere?! This is between me and Sasuke!" He said.

I weakly reached out and patted his forehead. "Heh, as the protector of the Jinchuriki, it is my rightful duty and obligation to protect you." I said with a small smile.

"Why?! You're gonna die Tsubame-chan! What do I do?" He asked me in a panicked tone.

"There is a chance I'll live and survive..." I said and he brightened up a bit but what I said next made him frown.  "...but I cannot do it here. You must..." I couldn't speak anymore and felt myself weakening. Soon, I had lost consciousness.  

Third POV

Tsubame had lost consciousness and anger filled Naruto. The chakra of the Kyuubi had engulfed his very being and his thoughts were on killing Sasuke. He killed Tsubame-chan! Our precious friend and teammate! He thought as he was crying.

Sasuke was just as surprised as Naruto when Tsubame suddenly appeared. He was soon surprised again when Naruto let out a strong killing intent. W-what is this? He thought as he saw Naruto's blue eyes were changing into the color of red and that red chakra was covering his body.

"Sasuke! You'll pay for what you did to our precious friend and you won't go to Orochimaru even if I have to break your arms and legs, I will stop you!!!" Naruto declared in anger.

The fight kept on going until it ended with Sasuke in his Cursed Seal of Heaven Level Two running towards Naruto who was cloaked in the demon fox chakra that resulted into having one tail. It was too late for anyone to stop them, they ran at each other with both having an upgraded version of their attacks.

A huge explosion ensued and they were consumed in it. Once the smoke cleared, Naruto was on the ground unconscious while Sasuke was still standing. They had both returned to their original forms. Sasuke moved forward, dropping his Konoha forehead protector near Naruto.

"Naruto..." He muttered and it began to rain. He began to cough out blood and clenched his left arm.

"Goodbye...Naruto..." He said as he walked away.

Kakashi arrived minutes later with Pakkun at his side. He was clearly drenched and had a serious look on his face as he saw both Naruto and Tsubame on the ground.

"Am I too late?" He asked. "What happened here?"

He moved closer to inspect Naruto and released a sigh of relief when he found that he had only passed out due to chakra exhaustion but what he saw next made his eyes widen in shock. There, laying on the ground with a pool of her own blood was Hayashi Tsubame.

He tried to heal her but it wouldn't work. He was panicking too. Why won't it work?!  He thought.

He immediately summoned one of his ninken, a big dog and had him carry Naruto while Kakashi carried Tsubame in his arms. They quickly moved, travelling back to Konoha in a hurry. Pakkun was staring at the female yokai fox as he thought. 

This is the end of the beginning...yet also the beginning of another...

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