Ch. 42: Fox Village

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Kakashi's POV

I quickly packed up and judging by the severity of Koyuki's wounds, it might take quite some time before it would be fully healed.

I needed to check on the Hokage first before I would leave with them, it would be bad after all if I just left. I would be labeled as a missing-nin if I did so. I headed back to the hospital to where I felt Lady Tsunade's chakra. She seemed to be carrying a small brown paper bag which I assumed to be medicine as it had that distinctive smell on it.

"Hokage-sama." I said as I appeared before her.

She raised an eyebrow and looked puzzled at my appearance. "What is it Kakashi? You know I'm quite busy and I need to give this soon." She asked as she pointed the paper bag in her hand.

"Forgive me for taking your time but this is both a very important and very urgent matter. I must discuss this with you at once." I answered.

"I see, follow me." She said and ushered me into an empty patient room. She sat down on the white bed and crossed her arms. She then stared at me, right into my eyes.

"So, what is it?"

"It is concerning Koyuki, Hokage-sama." 

Her eyes hardened and she clenched her fingers, digging into her shoulders. "Koyuki...?" She murmured.

"Yes, Akashi - " I paused when I saw her sharp glare. " - I mean that pipe fox said that the only way to save her now is to travel to their village. Right Chizuru?" My eyes moved to the side and a short blonde haired girl appeared. She was unusually cheery.

"That's right!" She said. "Akashi-sama requests that you quickly give your consent to Kakashi-sama's leave. Please do so Hokage-sama, please do so!" She gave a mock salute to the village leader.

Tsunade looked between the two of us, she seemed to be thinking about it. "Are you sure this is right Kakashi?" I bowed and said, "Yes, I am sure Hokage-sama. I also wish to quickly heal Koyuki. She - she is very important to me..."

Tsunade looked at me once more and then let out a big sigh. "Alright, I'll give my consent for this but please return safely. When will you be able to return?"

"I - " I was about to speak but was cut off by Chizuru. "I'll answer that!" She raised her hand like a giddy student. "Akashi-sama told me to tell you that it would take a month to heal her!"

"A MONTH?!" Tsunade exclaimed as she stood up in surprise.

"Yup!" She answered.

The Hokage couldn't help but sit back down as her legs were about to give away. She sighed once more and then looked at us. Her gaze went towards me. "Did you know about this?" She asked.

I decided to answer truthfully. "I actually did not, Lady Hokage but I still wish to go with them. They say that they will need my help in order to heal her." I said.

"Okay, but I will need to write it down on a scroll in order to give you passage through the entrance gates. This mission will be an S-rank, a top secret mission that only you can do." Tsunade said.

"I have that handled!" Chizuru butt in once again. This time with Konoha's official mission scroll in her hands. "H-how did you - " Tsunade's eyes widened in surprise but she composed herself. "I give up, please give it to me."

Chizure handed it to her in a mere second. Tsunade checked the contents and nodded in approval when she saw what was written on it. "Not bad, I suppose I'll have to commend you for being very prepared for this." Tsunade signed it.

Chizuru rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment. "Haha~ please, it wasn't me. Akashi-sama actually handled it." She said.

"That's right." A familiar voice cut in.

The three of us looked to the side to find the said person leaning against the wall waving at us with his hand.



"You!" The three of us exclaimed though Chizuru's sounded more like a greeting while Tsunade-sama's sounded like a hissing cat.

She seemed to be quite annoyed with him. I wonder why? They only met just a while ago. I thought and then saw Lady Tsunade's expression. Nevermind.

"We will glady accept this mission Hokage-sama," Akashi spoke. In a flash, the mission scroll disappeared from her hands and was now in his own hands. "Good day and see you again once one month passes."

Once he left the room, Tsunade clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Annoying bastard..." She muttered under her breath.

"Hokage-sama..?" I whispered.

"Just go," she shooed me away. "I'll take care of your brats. See you in due time."

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Thank you."


I quickly arrived at the entrance gate where the two were waiting. Izumo and Kotetsu looked apprehensive at the faces of the ex-intruders.

"Kakashi-san?" They asked in relief, glad to see me.

"It's alright guys, they're with me. I will be going on a mission with them."

"I see," they both said at the same time.

"Goodbye Izumo and Kotesu." I said as I gave them my famous one-eyed smile.

"Goodbye Kakashi-san."


As we traveled through the green forest, I decided to ask them how we were going to get there. Akashi simply smiled (his mask was hanging on the side of his face). "Don't worry." He said and then did a handsign.

Everything went black.


As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw that we were in a different place now. We were still in the middle of the forest but there seemed to be a path now. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Don't speak, just follow us."

I decided to keep quiet and followed them up. We soon arrived in front of the gate where yet another fox-masked person awaited us.

"Welcome back to our village Kakashi-san."

The Pipe Fox of Konohagakure (Kakashi Love Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now