Ch.37: There Will Always Be Changes

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"You! You are..." Tsunade said. "Koyuki?!!"


Third POV 

"Tsunade-shisou," Tsubame - no, right now she was Koyuki, whispered. "Now is not the time or place, it would be best to have the conversation later."

Tsunade simply nodded. She couldn't believe her eyes, in front of her was her previous student from all those years ago. Neither Jiraiya nor Orochimaru knew of her existence since Koyuki herself requested it. She wanted to hug her old student but she thought rationally and knew that it wasn't the right time or place to do so.

So Tsunade knows this fine specimen of power, Orochimaru thought. However, she does not know that this is the same Genin known as Hayashi Tsubame. He grinned to himself creepily.

"Why do you protect him and why are you doing this?" Orochimaru asked. Tsunade replied that it was for the Leaf and that Naruto would become the future Hokage in the future.

"I shall kill that brat, he will be a threat if he lives." He said as he gritted his teeth in annoyance. He tried to attack the unconscious boy with the sword from his mouth but was blocked by none other than Koyuki/Hayashi Tsubame with her own sword.

"You shall not pass." Koyuki said to the snake sannin before calling her former sensei. "Tsunade-shisou!"

Tsunade, with dried blood on her clothes and on her body, she rose up with determined eyes. A mark was on her forehead. "Why am I doing this?" She replied. "Because now...I am the fifth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf!!"

She released the seal on her forehead and felt herself being even more revitalized despite Koyuki healing her. She explained how her jutsu works before wiping the blood off her lips and putting it on her hand.

Jiraiya did the same, Kabuto took blood from Orochimaru's. Koyuki realized that this was going to be a summoning battle so she jumped back, landing beside Tsunade. The three slammed their hands to the ground while shouting, "KUCHIYOSE NO JUTSU!!!"

A huge cloud of smoke appeared. Dispersing to reveal three huge summoning animals. A toad, a slug and a snake or more specifically, an Anaconda. The battle was quite difficult for Orochimaru, he was being attacked by two different enemies at the same time so he took upon himself to try to stop Tsunade however, she punched him straight to the jaw.

Manda, the anaconda of the snake sannin had no choice but to go back while Orochimaru and Kabuto fled. Katsuyu and Gamabunta also went back to their respective homes.

Naruto, who was laid on the ground had a peaceful look on his face. "Hmph, Tsunade," Jiraiya spoke up. "You still suck at betting as always."

Tsunade had reminiscent look on her face. She suddenly grew rigid, her body shivering. "Now the after-effects..." She said and felt her body aging. Koyuki went to her side with her hand glowing green with chakra.

Koyuki smiled beneath the mask. "Don't worry about the after-effects shishou, I'll take care of it." She said and grasped Tsunade's hand with her glowing hand. Tsunade looked as young as before once again, her energy at full.

"Thank you Koyuki," Tsunade told her ex-student. "How about we go back to the village and talk, I haven't seen you for a long time." Koyuki moved back and shook her head. "I'm sorry Tsunade-shishou, I must return."

Tsunade had a sad smile on her face. "Will I see you again?"

Koyuki removed her fox mask to reveal her face. She smiled at her master. "I'm sure we'll meet again." She said then body flickered to where her clone was hiding, she did hide her chakra signature though.

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