Chapter 2 | Bullet

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Chapter 2 | Bullet


   There were three other men, also wearing ski masks and all black, standing in the middle of his living room. Michael's instinctive move was to reach for his gun but unfortunately, he was ass-naked, with his ass-naked wife sitting on his lap; the intruder's obviously caught him slipping. He didn't understand how they even made it into his home; but realized that the back entrance, the double slide doors in the kitchen must've been unlocked from the kids playing in the backyard. Fuck! Big Mike thought. How did they even know where the fuck he laid his head, he lived in a nice neighborhood, on the outskirts of town. He only invited his family, and most loyal friends and soldiers. He quickly came to a realization that somebody in his circle was a fucking snake; he shook his head, disappointed in himself for not peeping game, and now bringing harm to his family.

   "My nigga, Big Mike," the intruder holding the gun spoke, looking down at both Big Mike and his wife, who was now woke and panicking, muffling her cries.

   The intruder continued, "I been waiting on this day for so long..." his voice trailed off.

   "Fuck you!" he finally said. His whole face wasn't visible but his eyes were, Big Mike thought they looked extremely familiar. He then darted his eyes back to the gun that was being pointed at his temple, by now Daliea was shaking. Big Mike wanted to get up but he didn't want to make any sudden moves, he just observed these niggas. Something caught his attention, there were four bullets tattooed right underneath the fingernail of the gunman's trigger finger. At that moment, he knew exactly who was behind the mask,

   "Bullet, is this really what the fuck you want?" Big Mike spoke calmly, knowing that his old friend and cellmate was surprised that he figured out his identity. They'd been locked up together, Michael was doing a few months for assault, and Bullet was doing five years for second degree manslaughter. They were cellmates, and their relationship grew every day, they talked about everything, and Bullet even got his tattoo in prison. Soon, Big Mike was being released, and he let Bullet know that he could call him whenever he needed him, and come visit him when he got out, he wrote his info down on a piece of paper and that was the last time they'd ever seen each other-- four years ago. 

   Big Mike stared intensely into Bullet's cold eyes; he wanted to know why he was doing this. "What the fuck happened?" Big Mike spoke; he softly tapped his wife on her side, gesturing for her to get off of his lap, she did. Big Mike now face to face with Bullet, the other three guys had drawn their guns by now, pointing at Big Mike and Delia.

   Bullet's face frowned up. "Fuck you! You never gave a fuck about me, and you know what?" Bullet spat and removed his mask and threw it on the floor. "I never gave a fuck about you!" he continued.

   Big Mike chuckled, "Is that right?" he replied, never breaking eye contact. He was still naked but he didn't give a fuck.

   Bullet nodded. "You signed over your life to the devil when you gave me your phone number and address. I was plotting this the whole time and yo' simple ass never even expected it! Where's your stash at, Big Mike?" Bullet said with a wicked grin across his face. At this point, Big Mike wanted to kick himself for befriending this muthafucka', he kind of figured he might die tonight, but at least he knew they wouldn't walk away with any of his hard earned money. Big Mike never kept his money where he laid his head; the money was in a safe place where no one could reach it.

   "Yo, put some fuckin' clothes on!" Bullet yelled becoming irritated by Big Mike's chiseled abs and now, soft penis being out in the open. Big Mike did as he was told and Daliea was starting to put on her clothing but was stopped.

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