Chapter 13 | Birthday Disaster

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Chapter 13 | Birthday Disaster

Three days later

It's August 20th, Milyon's birthday. Milyon was awakened from her sleep by something cold and wet being poured onto her stomach and chest. Her eyes shot open, there stood a laughing Shy with a bottle of water in her hands and multiple bags next to her feet.

Milyon was pissed. "Oh, my fuckin' God! What the fuck, Shy!? Why would you do that?!" Milyon yelled, snatching the covers off of her body and sitting up in the bed.

"Happy birf'day, bitch!" Shy screamed and ran out of the room, Milyon almost forgot it was her birthday and that put her in a better mood, she got out the bed and chased Shy into the living room. They play wrestled on the floor, they laughed it off when they were done.

They laid on the floor, tired and panting. "C'mon, you gotta open your presents!" Shy squealed, getting up, and Milyon did the same. They ran back into Milyon's room, the bags were still on the floor. Shy bought her designer jeans, expensive heels, and even a designer bag. She loved her gifts, only a best friend could buy you these things, she'd told Shy what she wanted but Shy got her more than what she wanted.

They hugged, screamed, and squealed for a couple of minutes but then she heard her brother walk in, he yelled her name. Milyon walked out of room and walked up to her brother who must've been in the kitchen because he wasn't in the living room. She entered her kitchen and her brother was pulling food out of a large bag and sitting it on the island, she walked over to him and looked into the bad, he snatched it away.

She smacked her lips. "That better be mines." Milyon said, being slick.

"Naw, it ain't." Mace replied, beginning to pack the food back into the bag.

Milyon stopped him. "Okay, okay! I was just playing! I'm sorry." Milyon said, holding her brother's arm. He laughed at her child like behavior.

He pulled her into a hug. "Happy birthday, lil' sister." Mace said, releasing her.

Milyon smiled. "Thank you, big bro'." Milyon said, cheesing. He'd sat all of the food onto the island, he brought her chocolate chip pancakes, French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage links, and a big ass gallon of orange juice with no pulp.

"A'ight, I'll be right back tho." Mace said, leaving the apartment. Milyon took the chance to dig into her food. Mace returned five minutes later, she heard him come in, he entered the kitchen and to her surprise, there was a puppy in his arms.

"Oh, my Good, Mace! It's so pretty." Milyon squealed, she wiped her mouth and went to take the puppy out of his arms.

Mace smirked. "Well, you betta' like it 'cause that's all you gettin'. That muthafucka' alone costed a grip." Mace joked.

Milyon hugged him. "I love it. What kind is it?" Milyon said, rubbing the puppies all white fur.

"It's a Maltese or some shit like that, I don't know, I ain't no damn dog expert." Mace said, Milyon laughed at her brother.

Mace pulled out his cellphone. "What're you goin' name her?" Mace asked, following Milyon to the living room, still staring at his phones screen.

Milyon plopped down onto the plush sofa. "I'ma name her... Billie Jean." Milyon said, cooing at the small puppy.

Mace screwed his face up. "What the hell? You goin' name her after a Michael Jackson song?" Mace asked.

Milyon nodded. "Okay, well, Billie Jean it is then." Mace chuckled. His sister damn near wasn't even listening to him, she was too busy playing with the dog.

"A'ight, well, I'll be back at around ten o'clock tonight. Be ready." Mace said, getting up off the couch, hugging his sister and exiting the apartment.


Milyon and Shy spent the rest of the day shopping and being pampered. They got manicures and pedicures, eyebrow's threaded, bikini wax's, facials, and body massages. When they returned to their apartment, they had to get ready because they weren't trying to hear Mace's mouth. Milyon dressed in an all-white, sparkly, peplum dress. She wore royal blue, peep toe, Christian Louboutin red bottoms. She wore a pair of diamond earrings, and her hair was in a fancy up do. Yes, it was a little over the top but she was gorgeous, not too many bitches could wear this outfit and look as good as her. Her make-up was flawless and accented her grey sparkling eyes.

Shy rocked a white, strapless dress and nude colored Christian Louboutin red bottoms. Her hair hung over her shoulders and her make-up was done beautifully also. They were about to shut shit down. Mace called Milyon's phone and told them to come downstairs, they did. She knew his ass wasn't going to come get them from the door. When they exited the apartment building, they were welcomed by a man in all black, holding open the door to an all-white Maybach.

Milyon's mouth fell open. "Ms. Carter?" The white man spoke, she nodded and he told her that Mace had sent him and he was instructed to take them to an undisclosed location. Milyon's mind was racing a mile a minute. This car was so beautiful, the interior was beautiful too. Shy and Milyon squealed as they rode in the backseat of the fancy vehicle, and the top was even let back. The breeze of the night felt wonderful, this was too much to take in, so much has happened in the past couple of months. This was almost the best birthday she had since she was younger, she missed her parents dearly, and if they were here it would have made it a lot better.

The vehicle came to a stop, she assumed they'd reached their destination. The building was very large, it looked like a club or something but it was the nicest that she'd seen. The chauffeur opened the door for them, they got out. Milyon called Mace but that nigga was not answering, she looked up at the entrance of the club to see her brother dressed dapper in a pair of white Rockstar denim jeans, a white and gold Yves Saint Laurent t-shirt, and what looked to be some damn Christian Louboutin tennis shoes on his feet. She smiled at her brother, he looked handsome, and he wasn't even wearing a hat. He walked up to the ladies, Shy and Milyon were on each side of him, and he led them to the entrance.


Milyon's head snapped around quickly. Are those fucking gunshots? Milyon thought. Before she could get a good look Mace had pushed her in front of him and they both landed on the ground. The sound of an automatic weapon sounded throughout the street, she was scared shitless. She was screaming and covering her ears at this point. She heard Shy screaming.

The gunshots ceased. "Mace?" Milyon spoke softly. Her brother was still on top of her, on her back. She knew her dress was ruined due to being pushed onto the ground. Mace was heavy as fuck. He needs to get the fuck off of me, Milyon thought.

She tried raising herself off of the ground but she couldn't with him on top of her. "Mace?!" Milyon yelled. No response.

"Shy?!" Milyon yelled, she was becoming worried. She felt Mace being pulled off of her, then she heard a gut wrenching scream follow, it was Shy. Milyon got off of the ground and when she got up, she almost fainted from what she saw. Her brother was laid on the ground, his all white outfit was now stained with red. He was shot in his shoulder, stomach, and chest.

"Arrrggghhhhhhh!" Milyon screamed, she rushed to her brother's side. His eyes were open, slightly.

She cradled him. "Help me!" Milyonon screamed, she was crying hysterically. Why was this happening to her? She couldn't lose her brother, he was all she had in this world. Multiple people came rushing out of the building, she wasn't even paying them any attention as they gathered around. She just wanted her brother.

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