Chapter 12 | Sister's Keeper

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Chapter 12 | Sister's Keeper

Two months later

   Mace and the squad handled Santana's ass with no mercy. They dragged him out of the spot where he held his 'escorts' at, they took him to the warehouse, and hung him to the ceiling, butt naked. Mace took the pleasure of torturing him and then throwing acid onto his wounds. Mace shot off his penis and threw acid on the area where Santana's penis was once located, he let him die slow.

   Mace had moved the girls into their own apartment, he couldn't have them around, cock-blocking and interfering with business. He moved them into the seventh floor of the same apartment complex he stayed in, he wanted them to have their own space but still be under his radar. Over protective much?

   Milyon's eighteenth birthday was on the weekend coming up, he was going all out for his little sister. He felt he needed to make up for all of the birthday's he'd missed. He loved his little sister and only wanted what was best for her, she was now growing to be a weakness of his even though he didn't show it. He knew he could be hard on her sometimes but he couldn't risk anything happening to her, he just got her back and he refused to lose her again. Fuck that. 

   Mace was making power moves, he and Carti were running shit, as always. They were at a peak in their business right about now, money was coming in something lovely. He paid for Milyon's apartment that she shared with Shy, he still took them shopping, and gave them an allowance of five thousand dollars each and every week, not including the shopping sprees. Milyon still didn't like it though, she wanted to look for a job but Mace wasn't having that, his little sister was not about to be working for nobody, they had a small argument about it... he won the argument. 

   Mace didn't mind cashing Shy out, he'd grown to care for her, as if she was his sister too. He was a little skeptical at first, but she grew on him. They always talked shit to one another, they shared many jokes together; Milyon was the only one who could stop them when they were ripping on one another. Shy was very down to earth and she was attractive but Mace couldn't see himself going there with her, he wouldn't want Milyon doing that. If Milyon ever called herself hooking up with one of his homeboy's, that would be her ass and his homeboy's. Mace's didn't want his sister even around his niggas or niggas in general, he knew how they were, and if they fucked with his sister's feelings, they were fucking with his. He really wouldn't want to have to kill one of his niggas, so he told all of his guys that Milyon was off limits and the same goes for her. 

   Mace got on the elevator of his apartment complex and made his way to the floor above his, Milyon's apartment was located on this floor. He took his keys out of his pocket at the elevator door opened, he exited and walked down the hall until he came across the door that read 709. He used his key to her apartment to unlock the door, he would have called but he didn't feel like it, he was just checking up on her. He entered the house, it was very feminine. It was decorated with very modern furniture, white sofa with pink pillows, glass table, there were three portraits on the walls with white, black, grey, and the portraits would have random pops of pink in them. 

   "Sis'?!" Mace yelled throughout the apartment, no response. He then heard a door open, it was Milyon's bedroom door. Out walked his lovely, little sister. She was dressed in a pair of light colored high-waist jeans, a Trukfit crop top that exposed her pierced belly button. When the fuck she get that? Mace thought to himself. She didn't have on any shoes and her hair was flowing freely over her shoulders. His face grew twisted, he was trippin' off of the belly piercing. 

   Milyon's face began to glow when she saw her brother. "Hey, big bro'." Milyon said, smiling, hugging her brother.

   He was a little upset but he still hugged her back, he released her. "When'd you get your stomach pierced, Milyon?" Mace asked, sternly. Milyon looked up at her brother, the smile disappeared off of her face, and she knew he was mad because he called her by her government name. She smacked her lips, rolled her eyes and walked into her kitchen, he followed.


   Milyon heard her brother enter her apartment, she hated when he just barged into her home without at least calling first, and she could've been fucking or something. She ended her phone call with her 'Buddy', this guy she met a few weeks back, he was cool but she wasn't looking for a relationship so they just were cool with each other. She exited her room to see her brother walking towards her room. She was actually happy to see him, she didn't see him as much as she used to now that they didn't live together. 

  Milyon's face began to glow when she saw her brother. "Hey, big bro'." Milyon said, smiling, hugging her brother.

  "When'd you get your stomach pierced, Milyon?" Mace asked, sternly. Milyon looked up at her brother, the smile disappeared off of her face, and she knew he was mad because he called her by her government name. What the fuck is his problem? Milyon thought.

   She smacked her lips, rolled her eyes and walked into her kitchen, she heard him following behind. "I don't get a 'Hey', 'How ya' doin'?"... nothing? Why you always being negative? Damn, you need to lighten up. It's not that serious dude." Milyon spoke, she was becoming irritated with her brother. Milyon sat on a stool at her island.

   Mace did the same, and he looked at her and inhaled and exhaled, slowly. "Look, my bad. I know I can take things a little too far sometimes, I'm just used to the lil' innocent you, ya' know? Now you all grown up and shit. I haven't had you long enough. I'm not ready for you to grow up and be somebody's mama, slow down, ma." Mace said, running his hand over the back of his head. He didn't want his sister to hate him because he was being an ass. He looked at her and she was smiling, probably happy that he had somewhat apologized. He knew she didn't see that coming, it was rare for him to apologize unless he was truly in the wrong. 

   "Was that an apology?" Milyon said, smiling and looking into his hazel-green eyes. 

   Mace looked away. "Call it what you want. You forgive me or not 'cause I ain't got all day." He said, looking at his gold Rolex watch. 

   Milyon brushed his slick comment off. "Um, I'll think about it. What you about to do?" Milyon asked, she was bored. 

   Mace raised his eyebrows. "Aw, so, you ain't gone accept my apology? A'ight, I'm out." Mace said, getting up from his seat but before he had a chance to turn and walk away, Milyon jumped into his chest and wrapped her arms around him. 

   "I forgive you, brother." Milyon said, Mace knew she would do some shit like this.

   He hugged her back and laughed. "Yeah, I know, nigga." Mace said, letting her go. She shoved him, they chilled and talked for about twenty more minutes until Mace left. 

   Milyon was left in the house by herself, Shy was out with some nigga she met at the club, she shook her head at her crazy best friend. She popped her some popcorn and sat in her bed and watched 'Belly' on her sixty inch HDTV, she couldn't help but think that Nas's character 'Sin' was a good dude. I wonder if they got a book to this, Milyon thought, randomly. As she began to get more into the movie, Carti popped in her head. She hadn't spoken to him since they were at Mace's crib and Carti refused to talk to her. Also, on the rare occasions that they'd see each other, he wouldn't say shit, nothing!

   For some reason, she figured he just didn't like her anymore, maybe he never did and was just drunk at the club. That thought kind of upset her, she wanted him. He was so attractive with the tattoos, and those damn eyes, that shit made her crazy. She never really worried about Carti until they danced together at the club, when she looked back at him and looked into his eyes he put a fucking spell on her, that's if you let her tell it. 


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