Chapter 14 | Fuck My Life

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Chapter 14 | Fuck My Life

   "Arrrggghhhhhhh!" Milyon screamed, she rushed to her brother's side. His eyes were open, slightly.

   She cradled him. "Help me!" Milyon screamed, she was crying hysterically. Why was this happening to her? She couldn't lose her brother, he was all she had in this world. Multiple people came rushing out of the building, she wasn't even paying them any attention as they gathered around. She just wanted her brother. 

   The blood continued to pour from his fresh wounds, blood gurgled in his mouth, and he couldn't speak. This sight was horrifying to Milyon. She sobbed and screamed, simultaneously.

    The people surrounding her in front of the entrance of the huge, illuminated club. "Milyon!" Milyon heard a deep voice scream out her name from the crowd, she simply ignored it.

   She continued cradling her brother's head on her knees. "Stay awake, Mace. You goin' make it, brother... just stay wit' me, please." Milyon cried. Mace's eyelids were getting heavy, he wanted to close them but Milyon gently hit his face to keep them open. 

   "Get the fuck out of my way!" Milyon heard the deep voice again, it was closer and she recognized it as Carti's voice. She looked toward where his voice came from, he shoved through the crowd of people, running towards the scene.

   His eyes got wide as he saw his partner in crime's bloody body in Milyon's arms. "Fuck!" Carti threw his hand back as he stood there, he was aghast, infuriated, and afraid for his friend's life all at the same time.

    He looked at the people surrounding the scene. "What the fuck are y'all just standing there for?! Call an ambulance!" Carti screamed, it seemed people were just standing there waiting for him to die. Faint sounds of sirens echoed in the distance.

   Carti ran to Mace's side right next to Milyon. "Help is on the way, you good. You gone make it, fam." Cartier said, trying to encourage his friend to fight for his life.

   Mace's eyelids were trying to close again but Carti wasn't having it, he hit him in the face a little harder than Milyon. "Nah, bruh, wake the fuck up. You ain't goin' nowhere." Carti said, Milyon cried, loudly. She was so scared. The police, an ambulance, and a fire truck pulled up in front of the building, running right to the scene. They carried Mace's barely conscious body into the ambulance and Milyon yelled at them to let her come, they seemed skeptical but they let her. She watched as they hooked many cords up to her brother, with an oxygen mask on his face. She silently cried, not wanting to disturb the three paramedics as they worked on her brother.

   This had to be the worst birthday ever. It felt as if her whole world was crumbling down, as if someone had taken the life away from her, punctured her heart. Mace was her savior and her brother, the only person she had left in this cold ass world. They had a connection that no one would understand. She needed her brother to function every day, just knowing that he was okay would make it easier for her to continue on with her day. She knew what he did for a living, but was he really living? This couldn't be life, he seemed as if he changed into a different person when it came to the streets, he developed a cold, hard exterior, and he wasn't the same as he would be around Milyon. The things that Milyon heard in the streets about her brother were dreadful, they claimed he was cold-blooded, he would kill first and ask questions later. She knew her brother was hot head but a killer? She wanted to ask him about these allegations multiple times but decided against it. 

   But there was nothing she could do but pray. She needed her brother, he was all she had left. They'd just found one another, now there was a possibility that she could lose him. This made her regret complaining about him being down her throat all the time, she didn't care if he controlled her life from there on out, she just wanted her brother. She looked out of the back doors of the ambulance, she saw Carti's silver 2014 Bently Flying Spur sedan follow the ambulance, Shy accompanied him. She reverted her attention back to her brother when she heard a loud, beeping noise. 

   "We're losing him!" a Caucasian, male, paramedic announced. The EMT's quickly prepared to perform a cardioversion, when they shock the heart back to its normal pace. Milyon's heart sped up, beating so hard that it almost hurt.

   She couldn't control the tears that escaped her eyes. "No! Mace! Please, don't leave me, please. I need you." Milyon cried, holding her brother's limp hand. As if he'd heard her, his heart beat began to revert back to its original rhythm. She cried, thankful. The rest of the ride was a blur to her. 

   Five minutes later, they arrived at the hospital, quickly. They carried her brother into the hospital on the stretcher, she went along with them, holding her brother's hand.

   Doctors and nurses quickly rushed to his side, they were approaching a set of doubled doors. "Sorry, ma'am but you can't come any further. The doctor's will take it from here, we will do the best that we can." A white nurse, with brunette hair, which was braided to the back, covered by a plastic bonnet. 

   "That's my brother, I have to go wit' him." Milyon said, trying to walk around the nurse.

   The nurse blocked her way. "Sorry, ma'am. You cannot go back there." The nurse spoke, politely.

   Milyon was getting pissed. "How the fuck you goin' tell me I can't be wit' my brother? He's' fightig for his life and you telling me I can't be wit' him! Man, get the fuck outta my way." Milyon said, looking into the nurses brown eyes, challenging her. 

   "Ma'am, you can wait in the waiting room or I will be forced to have security escort you out of the hospital and you will not be allowed back in." The nurse spoke, sternly.

   Milyon was livid, her hazel-grey eyes were dark, red, and puffy. She wasn't trying to hear what this nurse was talking about. "My brother needs me right now, you can miss me wit' that other shit you spittin', lady!" Milyon was damn near yelling in the nurses' face. Milyon was going to attempt to get around the nurse again but she felt a pair of strong hands wrap around her waist, Milyon assumed it was security.

   She tried removing the hands from around her but it didn't faze them, she screamed and kicked. "Let me the fuck go!" Milyon screamed, causing an even larger scene. She cried, she was hurt that she couldn't be with her brother. She was carried outside of the hospital and was put down when they got far away from the entrance doors. She tried to run as soon as her feet touched the ground but they grabbed her again, from behind. She cried in defeat. 

   "Calm down, Milyon." Carti's deep, securing voice spoke into her ear, his voice soothed her. She cried even harder. 

   "If I put you down, are you goin' try to run again?" Carti asked in a low, but firm tone. Milyon shook her head 'no'. He slowly put her on her feet, right when they came in contact with the ground, her knees gave out on her and she was about to collapse onto the ground until Carti caught her. He scooped her into his arms, bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sobbed, loudly. He sat her on a nearby bench, and she buried her face into her knees as she sat down, he sat next to her, rubbing her back, slowly. She cried hard, and long. Carti said nothing, he simply tried to comfort her. Shy approached them, sitting next to her friend, and attempting to console her but Milyon was too choked up to speak. The night sky crept over them, they simply embraced it because only those was beyond the sky could help them tonight. 


Just playin', lol.

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