Chapter 9 | Catching Up

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Chapter 9 | Catching Up

   Carti followed Mace down the hallway and stopped at the room Mace had just come out of. Mace opened the door to the room and Carti saw two girls on the bed, looking clueless as fuck. Now, he was confused. Why was Mace showing him some females? Just as Carti was about to speak, Mace spoke up.

   "Carti, this is Sha-Shy'Andrea, right?" Mace asked the brown-skinned girl, she nodded. Carti thought she was cute but young. Why is this nigga introducing me to these females? Carti thought. He had better stuff to be doing than to be worried about these young ass girls. He wanted to say something but thought against it.

   Mace took a deep breath before speaking again. "And this," Mace said, pointing to the lighter skin toned girl, Carti looked at her, she was pretty as hell, and her eyes were hypnotizing.

   "This is Milyon... my sister." Mace said while staring at her as if he didn't believe what he'd just said. Carti was taken aback. Carti knew Mace's situation with his sister, how they were separated and shit so he was thrown off a little. Carti nodded, that's all he could do at the moment. Milyon was looking down.

   Carti nodded. "Nice to meet you ladies." he said, like the gentlemen you wouldn't have thought he was. He nodded at the ladies then turned towards Mace who was staring at Milyon.

   "Bruh, lemme' holla at you in the hallway for a minute." he said to Mace, he needed answers. What the hell is going on?

   The two men exited the room and went into the hallway. "So, you mean to tell me that ol' girl wit' the grey eyes in there... is ya' sister? The one that you been searching so hard for? What the fuck is really goin' on? How you know that's ha'?" Carti just didn't understand where this came from.

   Mace sighed. "Fam, that's her. Remember I was tellin' you 'bout the bitches that we scooped outta' Rocky crib? That's them! So, I go in the room, we had them handcuffed and tied up and shit at first, them niggas was tryna' touch and feel on them and shit. I told them niggas to bounce, that shit nasty as hell. So, I asked them what they name's was and shit, they tell me and I'm like 'what the fuck?'. This chick got my sister name, you know it ain't too many muthafucka's wit' that name. I'm like 'nah, this ain't her.', I asked her what her last name is, and what'chu think she said, nigga? Carter." Mace said, breaking shit down for his friend.

   Carti nodded, he did that when he was in deep thought, he believed him, and the two even resembled each other. "Yo, man, that's a blessin'. Congrats, my nigga." Carti said, that's all he could say. They slapped hands and man-hugged.

   "Thanks, bruh. But it's more." Mace said.

   Carti looked like he couldn't take no more but he was all ears. What more could there be? Damn, Carti thought. "They was bein' pimped by this nigga Santana, they was on the job when they was wit' Rocky." Mace said.

   Carti let what he said sink in. "So, you tellin' me that she was a hoe?" Carti asked, being a little too blunt for Mace.

   Mace's jaws clenched, he looked away and rubbed his waves, he was trying to compose himself. "Carti, watch yo' mouth, fam." Mace said, looking Carti dead in his eyes.

   Carti knew he was out of line for saying what he did, Mace was being a little sensitive right now. "Look, my bad, bruh. What'chu wan' do 'bout this nigga Santana? I know you ain't gone let this nigga slide." Cart said, he would be pissed if he knew some nigga was pimping his sister too.

   "You already know what I'm on." Mace said, straight up. Carti nodded.


   "You already know what I'm on." Mace said, straight up. Carti nodded. Mace was out for blood, he'd been looking for his sister for so long and when he did find her, he finds out that she's a fuckin' escort? Hell no, he wasn't feeling that. He had to kill this nigga for Milyon, he also knew that this nigga was goin' be lookin' for the girls, and Mace wasn't giving them back, at least not Milyon. He wasn't letting Milyon outta his sight for a while, he couldn't risk losing her again, he'd just gotten her back. He was all fucked up in the head right now, this shit caught him so off guard.

  He went back into the room, and Carti went somewhere else in house. "Yo, y'all comin' wit' me. Lets go." Mace said, sternly. He hoped they didn't try no funny shit like running, he could see that Milyon was skeptical at first about him being her brother but she seemed to have lightened up. They got out the bed and followed him out of the house, they linked on to one another by the arms once again. He walked around to the back of the house where his all white 2013 BMW 7 series, was parked. They got in the back seat together, he got in the driver's seat. They seemed so tensed, they looked around, and were silent. He drove away from Carti's house and hit the highway. He was taking his sister back to his crib, where he knew she was safe.

   "Look, I'm not goin' hurt y'all. I'm just lettin' this shit sink in, ya' know? I just found my sister, who I ain't seen in ten fuckin' years, yo. This shit seem so surreal." Mace said, he was talking more than usual, he just didn't like the fact that his sister seemed so afraid of him, he was her protector so she had no reason to be afraid. He kept his eyes on the road, he was in deep thought.


   Milyon and Shy were sitting right next to each other, Milyon wasn't scared... anymore. But she knew Shy was. Milyon believed the man who said he was her brother, he favored her father and those eyes only confirmed it for her. She was just so surprised right now, she was just trying to let shit sink in. She wondered where he was taking them, she looked out the window at the cars passing by and at the sky it was getting dark. She looked at the clouds and everything, it made her think about her parents, she felt like they had something to do with her finding her brother, she smiled. She missed them dearly.

   Forty-five minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a huge apartment complex, it was downtown. They exited the car and followed Mace to the entrance, they went to the elevators and went to the sixth floor; it was awkward. He showed them around his spacious apartment, it had three bedrooms. Milyon and Shy each had their own bedrooms, they were big as fuck with big ass beds.

   She plopped down on the bed and just laid there for a moment, she heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" Milyon said, it was either Shy or Mace, it was Mace.

   He walked in and stood there. "Uh, I'ma take y'all to get some clothes in the morning. But until then, you can sleep in these." Mace said, handing her a white t-shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. She smiled and thanked him, he nodded and headed towards the door to leave.

   "Uh, can we talk?" Milyon asked, she just wanted to catch up, she didn't like the awkwardness between them either.

   Mace stopped mid-stride. "A'ight." Mace said, turning around and walking towards the bed, he sat on it but he kept a distance, giving Milyon enough comfort room. "Was'sup?" Mace asked, looking at her.

   She was looking down while playing with her fingers. "Nothin', I just don't want it to be awkward between us, ya' know? I-I missed you, Mace." Milyon said, looking up at him, her eyes watering.

   He grabbed her hand. "I missed you too, sis'." Mace said, truthfully. He was feeling emotional too but he was not about to be in this bitch getting sentimental and shit.

   "I'm sorry, Mace. I shoulda' listened to you." Milyon said.

   Mace looked at her, he was confused. "What'chu mean?" Mace asked.

   "That night. You told me that you got me, we was goin' jump out the window and I didn't listen. I know you were just trying to protect me. We almost died in that fire, a-and it was all my fault. I coulda' lost you, Maceon." Milyon sobbed. Mace went to hold her, he didn't like seeing her like this, and he didn't think she was in the wrong for anything.

   She sobbed into his shoulder. "Milyon, that wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself for something some weak ass niggas did." Mace said, he held her tighter. They stayed up all night, catching up and reminiscing, they really missed each other, and no one would understood the connection shared. At the end of the night, they were completely comfortable with one another.



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