Chapter 18 | Come Thru

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Chapter 18 | Come Thru

   Milyon sat in her bedroom, watching The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air reruns on her fifty inch television. She had been in the house every since she came home from her job interview at Forever 21. She called Mace to see if he needed her to come back and to her surprise, he said no. She wondered what he and Shy were doing, they usually sit around and talk shit to one another all day but they'd be joking, Milyon has never seen them argue or be mad at one another. In the back of her mind, she'd always wondered if they were attracted to one another in any way but if so, she couldn't tell because they interacted as if they were best pals. They were just cool with one another, they never gave her a reason to think other wise. 

   The bored-ism was real! Milyon was bored as hell, she scrolled through her phone, looking on Instagram, nothing. She would've called Cartier but he was out of town on business so she didn't want to bug him. They'd been talking on the phone lately, and texting a little here and there but Carti wasn't the texting type of nigga, he wasn't a phone kind of guy, period. He never told Milyon why he didn't like being on the phone or texting but she knew it had something to do with his occupation. The longest conversation that they had was twenty minutes and you would think that they couldn't have talked about much but they talked about a lot in that short period of time. He said a few things about his pops, and how his uncle raised him and put him onto the game, she told him about her foster care experience and the shit with Santana. Carti didn't like hearing about that because he couldn't kill a nigga that was already dead, hearing that shit made him want to kill Santana all over again. 

   Milyon got out of her bed and decided to take a bath even though she had taken a shower this morning, she just wanted to relax. She ran hot water in the bathroom adjacent to her room, she poured a bunch of Bath & Body Works 'Carried Away' body wash into the tub, she wanted a lot of bubbles. She pulled her hair up into a sloppy bun on top of her head, she stripped out of the PINK shorts by Victoria Secret and the white wife beater that she wore and put one leg in the water at a time. When she got settled into the water, she let it run a bit more until it covered up her petite legs and then she shut it off. She didn't have any candles so she just turned the light off and let the night light stay on. Her phone played music aloud and she zoned out, enjoying the rhythmic tunes of Aaliyah. 

   Milyon thought of her life and how it'd made a three-sixty degree turn in so little time. She'd come from being sent from home to home and then to group home and now, she has her own shit, thanks to Mace. Damn, she loved her brother, this nigga made it possible for her to live her life. He sometimes showed her a little tough love but she needed that and she appreciated him to the very core of her soul. Thoughts of Cartier drifted into her head, she missed his touch and his soft lips, it was something about him that made her want more. Every since their brief encounter at the hospital, Milyon has done nothing but think about him. The few times that they talked and text were simply teasers for her, she couldn't take it, she wanted to see and feel him. She was happy that her brother was somewhat cool about the situation, they hadn't talked about it much but she knew he was still feeling a way about the shit but he left it alone. She was glad that she'd just turned eighteen and that she could do whatever the fuck she wanted to do, nobody could tell her shit. Well, except for Maceon. 

   Milyon relaxed in the tub, zoning out to the music that blasted through the speakers of her cell phone. But then her cellphone began vibrating, indicating that she had a call. She checked the caller ID, it was Carti.

   "Hello." Mily answered.

   "What'chu doin', ma?" his deep voice blasted through the phone, she put it on speaker.

   "Nothin'... in the tub. What about you?" Milyon asked, in a cute voice.

   "Shit, ready to come home." Carti said. She was so busy on the phone that she didn't even hear someone knocking on her apartment door. It was not until the knock became louder that she told Carti to hold on and listened closer to ensure that she was not tripping, she wasn't. She just got irritated because she had to get out of the tub, quickly and cover her body parts as best as she could with her white towel. She jogged out of her room and into the hall which lead to the living room. She didn't know who was at the door but they'd just made her mad so they would have to deal with her attitude. She knew it couldn't be Shy or Mace because they have their own keys, it's probably a neighbor or some shit. She walked through her living room, barefoot and damn near naked, beads of water dripping from her body onto the hardwood floors, leaving footprints. The cold air hit her body causing her to shiver. 

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