Chapter 16 | Caught (Continued)

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Chapter 16 | Caught (Continued)

   Milyon wrapped her legs around Carti's waist, it felt so good being in his arms. Milyon wanted to live in the moment, she embraced it as if it would never happen again. He kissed her with so much passion, she had her eyes closed and wondered if his were also closed. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced at Carti's eyes, they were closed. She smiled while kissing him, she felt good in his arms, and this moment was so surreal. He pulled her closer, so his crotch was touching hers, she felt his hard-on. Damn, Milyon thought. She didn't know if she was tripping but his shit was thick and hard as hell, she got aroused. She could feel her panties getting soaked. She gripped the back of his head, and slithered her tongue into his mouth, he sucked it, slightly and she did the same. They were swamping spit for what seemed like five minutes now but it was really only a few seconds.

   Milyon pulled back to get some air, she blushed so hard that her cheeks hurt. She looked into his eyes, he grinned at her, cockily, knowing he'd taken effect on her. He pecked her on the lips once more and gripped her small, round, soft ass. He removed his arms from around her waist, pulled up his slightly sagging pants, and lifted her off the counter like she was a child, he did it so swiftly too. It was obvious that he could handle her but could she handle him?

   "C'mon, ma, we can't do this shit right now but I'm not done wit' you yet, a'ight?" Carti said to Milyon while opening the door to the bathroom.

   Milyon smiled, like a little ass girl. "Is that right?" Milyon asked while walking past him and out of the bathroom door, she looked back to see him staring at her ass with lust in his eyes. She made sure to sway her hips a little more than usual. They stood in front of the bathroom door which was right next to the entrance door to Mace's hospital room.

   He pulled her back into him by her arm, he couldn't help himself. She leaned into his chest and he slid his arms around her small waist and she put hers around his neck, this required her to stand on her tiptoes. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, she loved everything about this man right now. From the way his hair curled to the way he walked, like a boss. His honey brown eyes had a twinkle to them, his strong, tattooed arms made her feel secure; she swore she was dreaming. She didn't want to let him go. He licked his lips and stared into her grey eyes, he thought she was the most beautiful girl he'd ever encountered and that wasn't just his dick talking, he genuinely liked her but this was all too sudden.

   "One more?" Milyon asked, pouting her lips for another kiss, forgetting that they weren't in private anymore. She was acting completely out of character but she had never been attracted to another man as she was to Carti. Carti didn't respond to her request so Milyon dove in for it but was welcomed by Carti's right cheek instead. She smacked her lips and he chuckled, she pushed him off of her and walked toward her brothers' bed. She returned to her original seat, she pulled out her phone to text Shy to see where she was with her food. She had the phone in her hand and was scrolling through it, she'd forgotten what she pulled it out for. The events of today just wouldn't leave her mind, Carti wouldn't leave her mind.

   Carti walked over to Milyon's chair. "I'm about to get up outta here. I'll get up wit' you later, a'ight?" he said, standing by Milyon's chair. She nodded, getting out of her seat for a hug. What was wrong with her? She was acting like she would never see him again. She hugged his torso, he put one arm around her neck, and she wanted to kiss him so badly.

   She looked up at him and then looked down and pouted. "I don't want you to go, you just got here." Milyon said, she was acting like he was her nigga after a few kisses and shit but Carti didn't mind, he actually liked the fact that she wanted to be up under him. He was used to bitches throwing themselves at him for sex but Milyon seemed as though she really enjoyed his company.

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