Chapter 7 | The Game (Continued)

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Chapter 7 | The Game (Continued)


 Black spoke. "A'ight Rocky, we bouta' get up outta here. Gotta get back to the money. It was nice kicking it wit' you ladies." AK and Black shook hands with Rocky and hugged the girls, they left. 

  Rakeem looked at the girls who sat comfortably on his plush sofa. "I'm bouta' get ready to take y'all back to Santana, just give me a minute." Rakeem said, he got up and left the den, leaving the girls there. The girls sat on the sofa, and talked. 


   A loud noise interrupted their conversation. Shy and Mlyon looked at each other, frightened. Before they knew it, men in all black were snatching them up and knocked them unconscious. 


   Milyon's eyes fluttered open as she felt the vehicle maneuver over the bumpy roads. Where am I? Milyon thought. There were four men in all-black, wearing masks, they surrounded her, sitting on the floor of the empty cargo van, clutching their weapons. She noticed Shy lying next to her, still unconscious, and Rakeem, he was unconscious and bloody all over. Her head was throbbing, she wanted to examine where the pain was coming from but her hands were cuffed, and her feet were tied together. What the fuck?! Milyon thought. She wanted to scream but she was too afraid, so she said nothing. She was beyond afraid, how did she get into this situation. She laid there, confused and releasing silent tears. What has her life become? Nothing ever went right for her, she had a feeling she was going to meet her maker soon. She closed her eyes, crying.

   The van came to a halt, she inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. Suddenly, she was being grabbed by her feet and thrown over someone's shoulder, this person was strong. She saw where they were but there weren't any houses around, just land and a huge house, that's where she was being carried. She tried wiggling loose of his tight grip but it was useless, she tried to protest but the man ignored her, she was simply too afraid to scream, who would hear her anyways? There were two other men behind her, one carrying Shy over his shoulder, and the other was dragging Rakeem on the ground. 

   "Take Rocky to the dungeon, and take the bitches to a room. We gotta wait for Carti to get here." a deep voice said. The dungeon? What the fuck did Rakeem do to these niggas? Carti? Milyon didn't know anyone named Carti. She figured Rakeem had gotten in some trouble with some people and she and Shy were at the wrong place at the wrong damn time. They entered a beautifully decorated and spacious home, looked like someone rich lived there. They were being carried down a long corridor before the man stopped them at a door, he opened it, he entered and threw Milyon onto a big bed, and another man came in and threw Shy on the bed too. The men exited, and she heard the door lock.

   She looked at Shy, she was knocked the fuck out. "Shy, get up." Milyon whispered, trying not to be loud. She scooted over to Shy, the bed was big as fuck and her hands were handcuffed behind her. She got in Shy's face and blew it, yes, it was weird but it worked, Shy's eyes slowly opened, she looked at Milyon.

   Shy started looking around. "Where the fuck we at, Mil'? What them niggas do to us?" Shy croaked, she must've thought they were still with Rocky and his niggas. 

   "Shy, we not with Rocky no more. You don't remember shit?" Milyon asked Shy.

   Shy tried to move but she didn't get far, she was cuffed and tied at the feet also. "What the fuck? Why am I cuffed, Mil'? Where are we?" Shy asked, panicking. 

   Milyon shot her a look. "Calm down and shut the fuck before they hear you and come in here and kill us, bitch." Milyon said, whispering, harshly. 

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