Chapter 16 | Caught

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Chapter 16 | Caught

   Milyon was awakened by Shy who had come back with a new outfit on and clothes for Milyon. Cartier had left while she was asleep. Milyon quickly got dressed and returned back to her brother who the nurse said should be waking up soon. It was going on eleven o'clock in the morning and Milyon's birthday was long gone. She wondered how could she have had such a terrible birthday, she figured she would just have to try again next year.

   Milyon watched as her brother's chest rose up and down, he seemed to be at peace. She knew when he woke up he would want to leave, he didn't like hospitals or any place that held dead people. But he would just have to deal with it because he still needed to heal and they had to monitor his breathing. 

   She couldn't help but miss her brother dearly, she missed his company. Yes, they bicker with one another all the time but he always found a way to make her smile and laugh. She thought about the time when they were little and he made her fall off of her bike and scrape her knee.

   Milyon rode on her pink and purple Barbie bike as her brother played catch with a neighborhood friend, Eric. They played in front of their house, it was small but it was home. Daliea, Milyon and Mace's mother sat on the porch and watched her children play. Big Mike, the children's father had been locked up for two years now, he would be back in another two years. Daliea would be waiting, holding it down. 

   Mace was nine years old and Milyon was six years old. Her bike had training wheels on them and she'd become used to them, they helped her balance herself and the bike. Her turquoise colored sweat suit, protected her from the breeze of the sixty degree weather. Her long hair in four braided ponytails with blue and white bobo's holding them in place, unfortunately, it would be messed up when she removed her helmet. Her all white air force one's set off her outfit, Daliea didn't care that they were only playing, she always kept her children fresh.

   "Milyon, move out of the way!" Mace yelled at his sister who had rode her bike in front of Mace, cutting off his throw. He was rocking a black Adidas sweat suit with white stripes going down the sides, he also wore a pair of all white shell toes with it. His long French braided hair, reached his upper back, Daliea refused to cut his hair no matter how many times Big Mike had tried to convince her to.

   Milyon shot a look at her brother but quickly reverted her attention to what was ahead. "You move!" Milyon said back to her brother. Mace smacked his lips, he then threw his rubber ball over Milyon who was still riding through their game. Eric caught the ball and then threw it back, Mace noticed his sister riding by Eric, Mace tried to wait for her to move but he became impatient and threw the ball any ways. The ball hit Milyon's bike instead, she swerved, making her loose balance, the bike tipped over and she went with it. Daliea was a little busy reading a book, so she wasn't paying much attention. But her attention shot directly to the scene when she heard Milyon's cries.

   She threw her book down and ran down the stairs of the porch. "Milyon?!" Daliea yelled as she went to the side walk, rushing to her daughter's aid. Milyon was balled up, cuffing her left knee. Daliea looked at Mace, wanting to know what happened, he said nothing as he watched his mother carry Milyon into the house.

   An hour later, Milyon laid in her bed, watching cartoons. She'd just awakened from a nap, she got sleepy from all that crying. Daliea put some alcohol on her cut and covered it with a Band-Aid. Her mom asked her what happened multiple times and she didn't tell on her brother, she didn't want to get him in trouble knowing their mom would spank him. She heard her brother come in her room.

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