One Shot #15 - Reality Bites

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(Photo Credit : Maine Mendoza's IG Account)

9:00 PM

It was a long day for them both.

Right after Kalyeserye, Maine had a photo shoot that entailed six wardrobe and make-up changes, after which she was whisked off to the launch of her latest endorsement, a line of pasta sauces that would entail shoots for a dozen 10-minute cooking segments over the next three weeks. Although she felt she wasn't really a good endorser for food products because she was not a practicing chef, her handlers felt it was good exposure to show another facet of her personality.

Alden had rehearsals for his two upcoming concerts next month, and a photo shoot for a magazine cover. His body felt sore from all the dance routines, but he promised to fetch Maine at her launch. Lately, they were both so busy and caught up with their commitments, they hardly had time to even share a meal together. He felt that taking her home would at least be a bonding moment they could enjoy. He checked his time, figuring they still had time for a late dinner.

She was waiting for him outside the venue by the time he arrived. The moment she sat beside him in the van, he knew by the stiff set of her shoulders that something was wrong. He reached for her hand and squeezed reassuringly, trying to ease the tension.

"Hi, babe. How was the launch?"

"It was ok." She said without elaborating. She looked away but hugged his arm closer to her body.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

Maine let out a sigh. Yes Maine, she asked herself, what's wrong? You have a handsome, doting boyfriend who worships the ground you walk on, a job you love and pays well, a family that cares and supports you. What else do you want? Why the nagging discontent? Why rock the boat?

"Babe......I think I need some time alone." She said tentatively, knowing Alden might take offense. He was surprised to hear what she said but did not react. He was quiet for a while, then slowed the van and parked near a gas station, right outside a Starbucks outlet. It was almost empty save for two tables with couples enjoying a late night.

"You want a drink?" He asked quietly.

"No, let's just talk." She was watching him, afraid of upsetting him. Alden was the kindest, gentlest person she ever met but she was afraid of him when he was upset. He never lost his temper with her but gets dangerously quiet, holding everything in. It wasn't normal, she thought, for someone to control emotions that way. She was the type who needed to vent, to let it out and get it over with. That was why she loved Twitter and her blog. But ever since Aldub hit it big, she lost her outlet for emotions. Her venting on social media was always subject to over-analyzing of fans. Her feelings have been bottled up inside for the past months.

"Ok, why do you need time alone?" He was looking at her, his sad eyes making her feel uneasy.

"To be honest, I'm tired."

"Tired of what? Work? The bashing? Or.....Us?"

"Everything," She simply said.

He let go of her hand, clasping both hands on top of the wheel and blew some air to let off steam. He felt like panicking but he didn't want to scare her. He understood, showbiz life was really difficult but he thought they were strong enough to weather it together.

"Babe, is this about my lack of time for you again? Diba pinag-usapan na natin yan, I told you I'd gradually reduce my commitments and I'm doing it naman, diba? Lately I get to fetch you and take you home and I call you up every night. It won't stop there, I promise."

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