Chapter 7.

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Carlota's POV

I've only been away a couple of days but already I feel lost, something doesn't feel right. Is it the fact my grandma is gone? Or the fact I miss someone who is still alive but I can't have? Right now my emotions are scattered everywhere and I don't know which way to turn.

My grandma's funeral is taking place in a couple of hours, my body still feels numb, it hasn't sunk in that I will never see her again. I slipped on my plain back dress and headed downstairs. The whole family was gathered at my aunt and uncles house, my cousins were all here too but no-one felt lively and chirpy like usual. It was a surreal moment as I watched my grandma being laid to rest, one day that would be me. Would anyone cry over me? Would anyone miss me? The tears fell freely from my eyes and I made no effort trying to stop them. After the service we all returned home for a Sunday roast, it was nice to see all the family but I would prefer it in a different situation. After seeing my grandma laid to rest it finally hit me that I would never see her again, that's it, she's gone, forever.

Our stay was coming to an end and tomorrow I would be heading back home, back to where my friends are and back to school. I had missed a whole week of school and was probably really far behind in my work, but right now I didn't care. When I return it will be the school holidays so I technically have had an extra-long break. I think I needed it, after the move and the tragedy. One thing that did puzzle me while I was away was why hadn't Harry text me? I honestly thought he cared about me, just a simple how are you? Or I hope you're okay would be suffice, but no, nothing. I didn't want to text him first and seem desperate, what was I supposed to say? I miss you? That would make me sound desperate.

As soon as I got home the first thing I did was run my finger along the familiar piano keys. I didn't play for long, but long enough to relax me. As soon as I finished playing tiredness took over my body and I slept through until morning. I knew my parents were away on business until tomorrow so I awoke to a quiet house; it was nice but sort of intimidating. I feel so small and swallowed up by the big house. After having a shower and getting changed I walked down the stairs, as I did I heard voices from the other side of the front door, at first I went into panic mode, was someone trying to break in? But then I heard Louis' signature laugh.

"Dude, just knock on the door, she won't bite."

"I'm not worried about her biting, what if she doesn't want to see anyone?"

"Staying inside all day by herself isn't going to make her feel better, now to go ahead and knock."

Before anyone had a chance to knock on the door I flung the front door wide open and revealed a very surprised looking Harry and Louis, it looked as if I just gave them the fright of their life.

"Uh," Harry stuttered.

"Is there anything you guys wanted? Or were you just going to stand and argue outside my front door all day?" I replied cheekily.

"Well I was, we were actually wondering if you wanted to come ice skating with us, but if you're busy that's okay, we'll just leave, sorry to bother you. Bye." Harry replied, I barely understand what he said he was talking so fast.

"Sure, I'll go with you."

"See, I told you." Louis grinned, full of smugness.

After getting ready to go out and heading to the ice skating rink in Louis' car I found myself sitting on the side of the rink putting my skates on. I've been ice skating before; I'm just not very good at it. Everyone was already skating around the ice, they all looked like they did this regularly, and then there's me. Niall, Zayn, Liam and Cass had all joined us at the rink. I waddled over to the ice grabbing hold of anything to help keep me balance. As I stepped on the ice Liam and Zayn came whooshing past me almost knocking me of my feet which I had only just managed to find. This was going to be an interesting day. I managed to skate/waddle/walk around the ice once before I stopped and clung on to the side for my life.

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