Chapter 16.

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Carlota's POV

After the almost incident in the nurses office me and Harry didn't speak for the rest of the day, the air seemed awkward around us. I couldn't wait for the final bell of the day to go, in every lesson I sat staring at the clock as if it was going to make time go faster, unsurprisingly it didn't. I could barely concentrate on anything throughout the rest of the day; my brain wouldn't stop repeating the events in the dinner hall and the nurses' office. I wonder what ever happened to Ashley, I hadn't seen her in any lessons, I assume she's ditched the rest of the day, I think public humiliation wasn't on her agenda for today. It wasn't on mine either, getting slapped around the face, again was enough to send the rumours into a frenzy but I decided to stick it out until the end of the day.  As soon as the final bell rang I flung my belongings into my bag and sped out of the classroom. Finally being able to breathe the fresh air felt great and the air opened my lungs up. I walked graciously down the corridors and out of the school doors, not waiting up for anyone. For some reason I had a smile on face, I felt like looking at today as a positive and from now on see the glass as half full instead of half empty. I was still getting stares from the casual on looker, most of them were gawping at the huge cut across the side of my face, it still stung but the physical pain I could get over. I walked slowly along the grey stoned pavement whilst quietly humming the All Time Low song that was playing in my ear. I was starting to lose myself in the music not even paying any attention to the ground beneath me until I saw an unfamiliar pair of feet begin to walk in time with mine. I didn't bother to turn my music I just slightly turned my head to the right to see whose feet they belonged too. I was a little taken back to see Harry walking beside me but staring straight at the road ahead like he hadn't noticed my presence even though he clearly approached me. I went to turn the music up on my iPhone but he placed his hand on top of it stopping it. I didn't turn it up when he released his grip, I turned it off to see what he was playing at.

"You know, if you didn't listen to music all the time you would be able to hear the things that go on in the world." He said, still staring ahead.

"That's exactly why I listen to music." I replied, looking directly ahead too.

"Do you ever wish the world was just silent?" He questioned, this time he looked at me and stopped in his tracks.

"No, silence brings no emoticon, there's no excitement or joy, which is exactly what music brings to me."

"But don't you ever wonder what it would be like to just lay down and think in silence, no distractions, no noise, no nothing?"

"I can't say I ever have, music helps me concentrate and cleanse the brain so I don't think the silence would do any good for me, what about you?"

"I agree, music is good for cleansing the soul, but I do still wonder what a silent world would be like." He said, whilst continuing to walk.

"I'm just going to go out there and say this; isn't this conversation a bit weird?" I questioned.

"Not weird, just random. What music do you listen to cleanse the soul?"

"Whatever is on my iPhone."

"And what is on your iPhone?"

"All Time Low, mainly."

"You really like them huh?" He said, whilst cocking one of his eyebrows and looking at me.

"Sure do, their lyrics actually have a meaning unlike half of the stuff these days."

"Cool and I'm sorry again for your face, it looks kinda painful." He said. Even though this conversation seemed normal I don't understand how he can just forget the past and come talk to me like it never happened, I suffered for weeks, months for what he did.

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