Chapter Nine

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"Sir, it is time to arise." Dude, that sunrise was too flippin' bright.

"Close the goddamn blinds, Maxie!" I screamed at my British butler, and I was pisssy.

"Sir, you have school in two hours." Thank goodness school started at eleven, but, man, I was sore. What did I do this time?

"Maxie, what did I do last night?" I tried to sit up in my bed, but my lower back hurt so flippin' much, like my bones were made of bricks. Did he have a glint in his eyes? 'Cause he started striding from the curtains to me and gently kissed my cheek as if a butterfly touched it.

"What do you think, Mr. Pheonix? I left you sore for days, just as you demanded," my butler grinned, whispering in my ear. 

"You did?" I questioned, looking into his endless dark eyes. 

"Can you stand up, milord?" My body flinched and my face winced as I sat up.

"Maxwell, that's hot," I whispered, using his full name. "Job well done!" I stood up to my full height, wincing at the pain in my lower back. Maxie dismissed himself, I assume, to go make breakfast and I looked at myself in my full lenght mirror.

I looked a mess, with messy red hair and hickeys down my neck. Gotta find a way to hide those big ass blothes. Was that a bite mark on my lip, holy fraqk, one's on my neck, too! I hope Mr. Winters doesn't notice.

"Soooo, Fifi, what did you do last night?" Finny nudged me with her elbow, with a grin on her face. 

"Weell, my ass hurts and I have hickeys and bite marks everywhere!" I whinned, slapping  my hands on my desk. Thankfully, the teacher wasn't in yet. 

"Do you think it was the alcohol?" She whispered in my ear.

"Most likely," I agreed.

"Most likely, what, Ms. Sweeny?" That deep voice that gave every girl and boy an errection, said to me. 

"Nothing, sir. It's not poliet to eavesdrop," I said, as curtly as possible. 

"It's not poliet to be rude and argue with your teacher. Two hour detention,  sounding good?" Was that a wise-ass smirk?! Well, I was already in trouble, might as well make it worse. 

"Sounds perfect, Mr. Jackass," I said, sarcastically.

"Oh, three hour Saturday detention, it is." he laughed, as if an inside joke occurred to him.

"But, Mr. Jaaaaackassss," I whined, earning a couple smirks and giggles. 

"Do you really wish to spend the whole day with me, Miss?" I chewed my bottom lip and glanced through my eyelashes. 

"I don't care, but my butler will come and look for me," I grinned, loving the Jackass's reaction.

"Not my problem, take care of it. We will continue to discuss after class." Was he pissed? 'Cause he sounded stern-ish.

"But that's when I have lunch!" I continued whining, just to waste time.

"Oh, just shut up already, or I'll tell Maxie." Tee-hee. Finny was annoyed, too.

"Nooo! Not that, then he'll tell mommy and daddy!"

I stuck out my tongue towards Finny, who in return said, " Put that back where it belongs, or it might get hurt." Oh mi gawsh! I don't want my tongue to be someone's new chew toy. Ewwie. As maturely as I could, I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair; glaring intensely at Mr. Winters. Touché, hmmm wonder what he'd look like in yummiful skinny pants.

"Whacha drooling at, cutie?" My eyes trailed up a girl's uniform then realized the big boobs. 

"Oh, just the Jackass's sweet behind." I grinned. "Well, too bad he doesn't go after students." I heard Sammy's voice said, and then i sighed to cover my smile. If I only understood, HA! I'm loved everywhere I go!

"I know, it's just too damn bad." Then Finny walked over to my desk.

"Gonna go to lunch, try not to get into too much trouble." She looked at me sternly, and was basically telling me not to be a flamboyant man-hoe, but I was halfway there.

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