Chapter Eleven

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"Good afternoon, Mr. Pheonix." Maxie smiled at me, brushing my hair out of my dark chocolate eyes. "What seems t be the reason you're home so early?"

"I feel ill. Could you make me tea?" I said miserably, faking it so well.

"Earl Gray?" Maxie asked, sounding concerned.

"Yes, please, and carry me to my room, Maxie." Without a single question, he swooped me up in his arms and carried me to my room.

"Wish you well, Young Master," he said as he tucked me in, like I was a child. Then he kissed my forehead, yet again, then left. My eyelids became so very heavy as all thought of reality slipped through my mind.

"Where is that little bastard?!" Who the hell screams at a time like this?

"He is in his bed, resting. He was feeling ill." Wait. Why is Maxie telling the screaming person my location?!

"ILL, MY ASS!" I hopped like little bunny Foo Foo to my closet and hid behind the clothes. "Pheonix Sweeny, I know you're in here! Get your ass out here!" Was that Finny? Oh Gawd, Imma die. I saw clothes move and a highly pissed off Pheobe and the rest was too fast that I could only process it a minute later. Do you realize how slow my thought process is?

So Finny yanked my collar and pulled me out of the closet. I kept pleading for her to not hurt me, but, damn, she was too enraged to listen. Then I got punched in the face--the FACE! Who does that?!

I grabbed her red-brown hair and yanked her head to the wall, slamming it with a little too much force. "You cannot JUST GO PUNCHING MY FACE, FINNY!" I yelled in her ear and unwrapped my fingers from her ear. 

"Young Master, what seems to be the problem?" Our butler innocently asked as he rounded the corner to enter my room. I was right about to respond to him, for he was ignoring Finny so much it was frickin' hilarious. 

"This fucker is two-timing all of us; he--" I kicked my twin in the gut. Yeah, okay, I love her, but this is on a need to know basis and Maxie does NOT need to know. Then the crazy hobo grabbed my legs and forced me--ha! like she became a Jedi and used the force--to the mothertruckin' ground.

Then she straddled me and kept punching the hell out of my face, like it was fun. She stopped for a minute, and I peeked through one of my, now swollen, eyes. Tears trickled down her face onto mine. Then I had the urge to cry, it was weird 'cause I wasn't even sad.

"Sir, your parents are home and they were betting on you two." Maxie sighed at the ridiculous behavior my parents displayed. I mean really on your kids, we are NOT chickens.

"Gah damn ith," I lisped, realizing that I bit my tongue

Acting as if she didn't just cry on me, turn me black and blue, or ruin my face, Finny got up and kissed my fat and swollen lips and quietly whispered as to not have Maxie hear, "I do hope you come to a resolve, brother," and her bi-polar ass trotted out of the room, probably to go clean herself up.

"Oh, baby! Mommy's right here!" I heard my mother wail down the hall. As if on cue, Maxie moved right before she plowed him down.

"Momma, s-stop, ith hurts!" I whinened into her boob. I would rather NOT die by suffocation of a mother's breast. Or any breast for that matter.

"Oh, Pheonix, baby, I'm sorry." She brushed my hair out of my eyes. "Max, fetch me the first aid," she demanded.

"Already have, madam," the blondie said, shoving the box in her hands.

"Where does it hurt, sweetie?" She had a cloth in one hand and a concoction in a brown bottle in the other.

"Everywhere!" I whinned. So her experted hands swiftly wiped over my cuts and under my nose.

You see, my mommy is a surgeon with too many vacations, so she knows more than me where it hurts.

"Honey, he's nearly a grown man. He can take care of himself." My father walked in the room with a look of confusion.

"Whadda momma's boy," Finny said mockingly, out of her school uniform and all. I hope they don't realize I'm wearing a skirt, 'cause I'm sorta out of excuses.

"Momma's boy, momma's boy, Fifi is a momma's boy!" My dad and Finny sung, dancing to their new tune. 

"That's such a great song, you should make a record deal," I harshly said, sarcasm dripping from my lips. Yeah, yeah I admit it, I am a momma's boy, but she's never home! And I love my mommy so much, she's my second best friend.

"Children, be quiet!" My mother scolded my father and sister, turning her back to me. I silently laughed and pointed, while the glares they showed went right through me.

"Pheonix, you have some bruises and I bet it hurts to walk so you are on permanent bed rest 'til those hickeys go away." My hand shot striaght to my neck. I swear I'm going to shoot Maxie. That's twice, TWICE, those damn marks have gotten me in trouble.

"Yes, Mommy," I grumbled, glaring at the fu-reaking butler. Look he almost made me curse! I refuse to curse on petty subjects! That butler is gonna die soon, just he wait. I climbed into my comforter, ignoring the fact that there were four other people in my room.

"Son, I have a question."

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Why are you wearing a skirt?" My face got hot, quick. Damn, I was never good at making on-the-spot lies.

"We were playing dress up. Ya know, Daddy, like we used to. And you and Mom would have to guess who was who," Pheobe giggled at the memory. My twin skillfully led my parents out of my room. "We were going to trick Max!" she exclaimed with fake excitement.

"Sorry for the marks, Young Master," Maxie apologized, standing next to my bedside.

"I don't care, just come here," I lustfully beckoned. He leaned over, but that wasn't enough. So I grabbed his neck tie and brought my lips to his. He set down whatever it is butler's hold and placed each of his gloved hands on each side of my head. He slid his tongue into my hungry mouth and suddenly pulled away, breathing heavily.

"What's this I hear about two-timing us all?" Maxie looked pissed. "Didn't think I'd hear that, did you?" He harshly said biting my nose, I hated how he could just turn me on with the simplest gestures. "You better not be, or I'll kidnap you, sir, and keep you all to myself."


Little Bunny Foo Foo hopping through the forest.

Scooping up the feild mice and bopping them on the head.

And the fairy said," Little Bunny Foo Foo I don't wanna see you scooping up the feild mice, and bopping them on the head.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh Child hood poems that made no sense ^,^

HOLY CRAP THERE WHERE SO MANY ERRORS XD but they are all fixed nao ^.^

'sup homies... just realized I haven't commented on the bottom is like Infinity and beyond @___@ hmmmmmmm what's up with my life.......... hhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I just ate an ass load of sugar but i'm NOT bouncing off the walls.... What's up with that? Oh you guys should check out my two NEW stories <don't worry this is still my main one, should be finished by the spring> one is a Death note and Full Metal Alchemist Cross over But it's a yaoi too!

and the other is all like a buncha short stories with crazy ass adventures that happen in a pervy cafe (it'll be my first time trying to write GirlXGirl and there will be regular dudes on dudes and chicks on dudes :P)

weeeeell thats all I got folks nao pay up >____>

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