Chapter Twenty Four

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"This is not healthy; you look all worn out." I felt his warm, comforting hand pat the top of my head, most likely in disapproval.

"Can I live with you for a little bit? At least, until I go to England?" I asked, hugging his abdomen to comfort myself.

"What about Phebes?" he asked, looking at me with the deep look of concern only I received from him.

"Uhm, she's pretty bold, and I'll see her at school and soccer, and I'll cling to her to avoid my teacher, and Maxie's at home," I said, trying not to whine.

"I'll tell my mom, but make sure you're at your house for a couple of hours, for your family."

I nodded my head in his chest as we stood in the darkness by his front door at two in the morning. I detached myself from my best friend; how pathetic, to this day, I still run to Johnny when I'm frightened, or just out right weak.

"I'm sorry, JoJo." I kicked off my Adidas sandals at the welcome mat of his house and walked up the stairs towards the bathroom, listening to the footsteps that followed.

"Damn, that light is too bright, Fifi!" I heard him scoff, probably covering his eyes.

"Whoa, I do look like crap," I smiled, confirming Johnny's statement. I had several bites on my neck and ugly, blotchy hickeys, there were probably a few 'round my body. I spun the faucet on and let the cold water run on my hands and splashed my face with the ice-cold water.

"Ready to go to bed?" he asked, sitting on the bathroom counter, watching me brush my teeth and clean up. 

"Yeah; I'm not really tired, though," I answered, looking under the navy blue covers and grabbing the remote to watch some TV.

"Pheonix, you're exhausted; you're gonna pass out right now," he said, getting under the blankets as well.

"Shut up. No, I won't." I watched the glowing screen, but, all-too-quickly, I found my friend under the covers, radiating heat. He was a pillow who sucked away every last bit of my energy.

"Want a ride home?" I heard as I woke up from the blinding sun, with the phone next to my ear not thinking about the piercing that commonly stuck to it like a magnet.

"No, it's okay, Finny, Johnny's giving me one." My phone beeped as I hung up on my twin and crawled under the warm covers, hoping for sleep to come.

"We have to stop at your house, Pheonix." I heard him laugh as I hid from the world. I don't know what on Earth is so frickin' funny, though. Just to get up to answer the phone made my tum-tum hurt, and this dum-dum is chuckling and smiling like the frickin' Cheshire Cat. He's indirectly laughing at my pain, stupid tallywacker.

Hmm, where have I heard that before? Think, Pheonix, think!

We interrupt this message to bring to you:

Spider pig, spider pig,

Does whatever spider pig does.

Can he swing from a web?

No, he can't, he's a pig!

Watch out, it's spider pig!

BRITISH SLANG! I remember now; I was working on my British accent and slang for my cousin's visit. Well, we're technically going to play soccer, but, nevertheless, ACCENTS!

 "Don't know what could possibly be going on inside that head of yours, but you have to get your scrawny ass up and—Adam!" JoJo yelled, but he was still under the covers...that hypocrite!

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