Chapter Fifteen

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"And then I got a lotta hickeys from him, and Maxie gave me more and now they're fighting!!" I sat in Johnathan's lap, blubbering to his girlfriend about my crazy life. He rocked me back and forth, rubbing my back to calm me down, as difficult as it is to calm me down from a meltdown.

"So, your teacher and butler both screwed you, you let them, and now they're fighting over you?" I nodded my head to Cassie, who had just about summed up what spilled from my mouth. I wiped my tears with my red sleeve, only to be smacked on the cheek. Scared of what else the crazy chick might do, I hid in Johnny's shoulder, feeling her mark form on my face. I swear I'm SURROUNDED by crazy chicks.

"Cassie, don't hurt him." Johnny only hugged me closer. 

"Don't defend that fool! He led them on!" She screamed, probably pissed that Johnny sided with his best friend and not his girlfriend.

"We don't know that," he sighed, while I tugged at his panda hat, not wanting to hear them argue and fight over me.

"I'm leaving before I beat the shit out of you, Johnathan." The front door slammed shut--hard.

"Was that Cassandra?" Mrs. Baker asked from the kitchen. Thank you Mrs. Baker! Are you married to Captain Obvious?

"Yeah, Ma. Sorta placed Nixxi before Cassie." He grinned, rubbing the back of his neck. Hell yeah bros before crazy ass hoes!

"Boy, sometimes, I swear you're dating Pheonix more than Cassandra." Isn't she cool?!

"Okay!" I smiled, hugging him around his neck. "Johnny, will you go out with me!" I crawled up farther in his lap, putting each of my legs on each side of his abdomen.

"I refuse." I laughed as he shoved me off him. 

"Pleeease, Johnny!" I whined. My best friend was soooo pretty, I really do like him!

"No, Nixxi, you have two grown men lusting after you. Annnnnnnnnnd I love Cassie too much," he declared, and rose to a mere six feet.

"Whatever, Johnny, I'm bored." My body still sat on the carpeted ground. 

"Go home," he said, leaving me to lolly on the floor. Did that hobo just ditch me for some fod?

God damn.

"Johnny!" I screamed.

"What's wrong, baby?" he breathed, slightly out of breath, with a banana in his hand. Did he run to me?

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute!

"Do you still have a date with Cassie?" I questioned, laying on the floor, playing with the weird fibers. I mean don't they just look like pretzels, or white tooties rolls? I mean don''t get the wrong idea I've never sat down to taste a carpet.

"No. Stand up and let's walk 'n' talk," he said, taking a bite out of the soft fruit, mmm how I'd love to do that to his banana. Wait--- bad Fifi! Johnny is your BEST FRIEND! You can't ..... God he looks so yummy shoving that banana in his mouth.

"I wish you had servants, too," I whined, lifting my own frickin' weight, yeah I just changed the conversation in my head!

"We actually clean up after ourselves," he grinned, digging in the refrigerator.

"Can we go get some smoothies, instead?" I questioned, shutting the door on his face. Violent women rubbing off on me.

"Don't shove me in the FUCKING ICEBOX!" Quickly, I ran and hopped on the counter and tried to be casual-looking.

"Whatever are you talking about, my dearest Johnathan?" I questioned, trying to hide my grin. "I just want a smoothie."

Johnny growled and grabbed his car keys. "Fine. Let's go."

"Yay!" I hopped on his back for a piggy back ride. "Thank you, Johnny!"

"Get off me though." I hugged myself closer so he wouldn't throw me off.

"But we all know you can bench twice my weight."

"Doesn't me--"

"Weeeee!" I screamed. Now, really? Who doesn't love to annoy a football player?

"If you shut up, I'll give you a piggy back ride." He grumbled, wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Yay! Thank you, Johnny."

"I'll have a Berry Split," I said to the depressing cashier.

"Annnnnnnnnnd I'll have a strawberry smoothie with chocolate chips."

"Oooh, that's manly," I joked, nudging him with my elbow.

"Yup, and my panda hat just tips it off!" The smoothie booth at the mall had the most yummitilisic drinks known in Indiana. 

"Holy hell, LOOK!" And people say I get distracted.

"What, Jo-Jo?"

"I-it's a neon orange hat!" He squealed at the hat in the store across the walkway.

"So what?" I grabbed the smoothies from the cashier. "Thank you, honey. Put on a smile, you'll look less scary and more cute," I advised the cashier and turned my back. 

"Here, hold my smoothie!" He hurried and sprinted to the store. My goodness, beware of hat addicts. I sauntered behind Johnny, only to see the weird ass hat on his head and a smile on his face. He looked so fucking weird. It had colored striped going in a horizontal pattern and the backdrop was highlighter orange with braids of orange descending down the sides.

"You look retarded," I chuckled, drinking my smoothie. 

"I don't care. Gimme my smoothie!" he whined. My short, unathletic self ran. "Nixxi, get your ass here!"

"Never!" My short legs carried me as fast as they could.


what up peeps? So uh this chappy was gonna be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY longer but here's the thing I was FORCED to give it to my editor so thank her for this chapter. Cause I woulda kept it and wrote like a 5 page (notebooke chapter instead so it is civilazed and normal looking ^,6


If you have ((capnkandii DeeperReader (AKA) DeerReader Darsaay)) Thank you, there is no need for you to tell me

if not.. (*__*) <== that's the ninja watching your ass



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