Chapter Twenty

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"Pheonix, hun, had no idea you were so good at soccer," I heard that rough, seductive voice nearly growl in my ear.

"When's my detention, Mr. Winters?" I calmly asked, sitting on the side lines, watching the other girl try out.

"At your service."

"Please, leave me alone from now on," I spoke with utmost confidence. This ass couldn't do anything 'cause of the crowd in front and around us. I gently bit my lower lip, curious to see his reaction.

His hand covered his mouth and his entire was silently shaking. His face was a dark tint of red. The laughing bastard. "What's so freakin' funny, ya Jackass?!" I screamed, standing up, then I had a genius idea!

I snatched a ball from the nearest ditz and planted it on the orgasmic turf. I swung my left leg at an angle, kicked the ball, aiming for the Jackass' face. ((A/N: You're my beautiful target ! You zoom, zoom my heart like a rocket. ~Oooooooh ~ooooooooooooooooh ! -Marshie))

"Nice try. You're on the team!" He winked at my fuming face. HE FRICKIN' FERDOODLED CAUGHT THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!

My feet walked toward my twin, who sat behind the goal, chatting it up with the captain.

"Oh, hey, Fifi, did Coach Winters tell you?" I rolled my eyes at the broad.

"Yeah, he's such a Jackass--" I spat at her; she was smiling like a jerkwaddle.

"Well, you two are free to come here tomorrow for practice," the captain said, sitting on the turf and watching the girls do simple drills.

"Oh, Miss Sweeny!" I heard a man's voice shout.

"You go, Finny, Imma go change," I said, not wanting to deal with his sorry ass. I went to my locker, well, it really is our locker. Oh, damn, just remembered, I have detention after school.

Along with my clothes, I grabbed my acoustic, whom I had named Kalvin, and went into the nearest restroom to change for music class.

I always feel like my fingers don't reach all the freakin' chords. Then, I held onto Kalvin for dear life; the last bell always felt like the loudest and the longest.

"Class, you are dismissed." The pale woman ALWAYS said that. I mean, c'mon, it's the obvious she loves to state.

I headed for my Historical Literature class and noticed it was empty. I sat down on top of a desk and began strumming the first song I ever learned. Since no one was around, I let my vocal chords stretch.

"You can be the peanut butter to my jelly.

You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly.

You can be the captain, and I can be your first mate.

You can be the chills that I feel on our first date.

You can be the hero, and I can be your sidekick.

You can be the tear that I cry, if we ever spilt.

You can be the rain from the cloud when it's storming or

You can be the sun when it shines in the morning

Don't know if I could ever be without you,

'Cause, boy, you complete me.

And in the time I know we'll both see,

That we're all that we need.

'Cause you're the apple to my pie.

You're the straw to my berry.

You're the smoke to my high.

And you're the one I wanna marry,

'Cause you're the one for me,

And I'm thh--"

I suddenly held on to Kalvin, for I felt a presence of another human. Naturally, I nearly bit my tongue off.

"Didja hear that, Kalvin?" I whispered to my string instrument, waiting for him to reply.

"Who's Kalvin, Pheonix?" I heard the voice coming from the far corner of the room.

"Meine guitarra ist Kalvin," I muttered to my sweet sweet friend. 

"Can you play any other songs?" the Jackass questioned, turning on the class room lights. AHHHHH lights hurt a vampire's eyes!!!!

"Nope, but Kalvin can," I smiled at my instrument, reaching for the strings, looking lovingly through my squinted eyes. I hate flourencent lights.

"Sing it, too," he mumbled to me, sitting on top of the desk next to me.

"I hurt myself today," plucking the three notes, I sung deeply allowing my manly-ness to take over,

"To see if I still feel,

I focus on the pain,

The only thing that's real,

The needle tears a hole,

The old, familiar sting,

But I remember everything--"

I felt his hand on my shoulder, making me stop.

"You're so pretty; that's why I can never leave you along. I'll fight anyone to keep you to myself," my teacher said, staring into my eyes.

"Get off me, ya Jackass. I'm going home." I flipped my hair out of my eyes and pulled out my phone to call Maxie.

"Lemma drive you home!" He grabbed my smart phone from the tips of my fingers.

'I guess." I mean, what could go wrong? Anything he'd do, Maxie'd do it right back.


Three songs that occured in chapter are.....

B1A4: Beautiful Target

Auburn: Perfect Two

Johnny Cash: Hurt  (cover)

Brought to you by the dish washer.... gahhhh I  hate cleaning =___=

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