Chapter Twenty One

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“Wanna sing for me, Pheonix?” I shook my head, watching my red hair slide in front of my eyes.

“Well, you will tomorrow. You gotta Saturday detention, remember?” Slam, slam, on hawt damn, this Jackass just don’t understand.

“Right, what time? I have a soccer game tomorrow,” I questioned, sitting in the passenger’s seat and fidgeting with my phone.

“Hey, Pheonix, my phone’s broken, think you can fix it?” He pulled his phone out at a red light.

“Sure, old man, lemme see what I can do.” I grabbed it and, surprisingly, it was an iPhone, just like mine. “So, what’s wrong with it?” It worked fine as far as I could see.

“Your number isn’t in it.” Really? That’s dumb and I stared straight at him.

“The fuck?” He looked away from the street and like a creeper gently smiled at me, now all he needed to do was cock his head.

“Think you can fix that?” His fat head was now facing the street.

“No, you sick perv!” I screamed and let go of his cell phone, not even caring where it landed.

“How am I to tell you when your detention is tomorrow?" He had arifical concern in his voice, and sucked at trying to act.

“Uhm, tell me now…” I said the obvious, with the most DUH face I could manage, but he wasn't looking at me. Besides why would I do such a thing anyway?

“It is just a means of communication; why so stingy?”

Dammit, I give up. “Fine, ya Jackass. But don’t be doing anything funny.” I pointed my finger in his face while he continued to drive.

“Okay, Pheonix,” he said, letting out a chuckle.


He pulled into my long, winding driveway and demanded a good-bye kiss, like the sick pervert he is.

“Hell no, you hobo!” I whined, trying to unlock the door. “Really, the child lock?!” He grabbed my waist, yanking me over the median and forced me into his lap. “Let go of me, you bastard!” My fists rammed into his chest; he had the cockiest expression on his face. My legs sat on either side of his waist, while i somehow fit facing him between his body and the steering wheel.

“Are you done?” he mused, his hands resting on my plaid decorated waist.

“Let go of me, you sick perv!”  I whined in his face.

“I simply want my kiss.” Oh, how on Earth can he speak of this as if it’s the most rational thing in the world?

“You’re not gonna get it!” I squirmed some more, but, as sly as the Cheshire Cat, he kissed my unexpected lips as hard as he usually did, making sure to bruise me up. “Can Kalvin and I go home now?” I whined, doing the exact opposite of what my body wanted.

“I guess, watch your phone though,” he winked, allowing me to climb to the passenger seat and open the door.

“Damn, I'm gonna be late for dinner!” I muttered and hurriedly ran out of the car, opened the back door, grabbed Kalvin, and headed for my house, shielding my eyes from the setting sun.

“Why did you come home after Pheobe?” Maxie questioned, a slight drop of concern in his voice.

“Oh, hush up,” I said, irritability scratching at me. “Put him in my bedroom.” I carefully handed him my guitar; every Friday was music for me and art for Finny.

“How was detention?” Finny said, making my eye balls nearly explode out of my head.

“Yeah, how was detention, Pheonix?” my father asked, coming, literally, out of nowhere. Now I know my house is big, but there are hardly no secert passage ways or hallways.

At least that I know of.

“Uhm, since its Friday, I just got to play music, and he was late to detention,” I spoke, looking at both my twin and father.

“What did you do to get it?” my mother asked. I think she crawled out of the fridge.

No joke.

“I don’t really remember, Mommy,” I pouted, then froze in place. Shit, I’m still in  my school uniform. Which consisted of a plaid skirt that reached the middle of my shaved thigh, a button up shirt which had a padded bra underneath, a humongous bow tied round my neck coloured in pink, and bows in my hair to match.

“He outsmarted the teacher,” Finny laughed with a smug expression.

“Pheonix, have you been going to a girls’ school?” I scanned the room we were in. Oh, the kitchen.

“He’s attending my school.” I blindly looked at my twin, watching the words escape her mouth.

“Pheonix!” my mother called, waking me from my trance,

“Yes, Mommy?” I twirled my red hair between my fingers.

“What school did you sign up for, baby?” her voice questioned, looking me in the eye.

“Elizabeth’s School for Young Maidens.” I spun around, making my skirt fly.

“Is that makeup?” my dad asked me.

“Yessir!” I giggled, winking one eye decorated with mascara and eye shadow.

“He lost a bet and his punishment is to attend my school,” Finny explained, eyeballing our parents.

“Well, if it’s a bet you lost, son, you’re enjoying it way too much.” I noticed a smile tug at his lips while he scratched the back of his head.

“So you outsmarted your teacher?” my mother asked me, annoyance evident in her beautiful eyes.

“Hey, at least I’m not a dumbass, Mommy!” I laughed then sat in the chair next to my twin.

“Anyway, children, we will be traveling to Great Britain to visit—“

“—my brother!” my mother said, cutting off my dad. They could literally finish each other’s sentences without missing a beat. It was, and still is, the most adorable thing ever.

“Oh, yeah! Lawrence did put me in a chokehold the other day!” I said aloud recalling the violent Butler whom belonged to my cousin.

“We’ll be leaving in three weeks,” my father said, meeting our eyes.

“So how long will we be gone?” Finny questioned, nearly reading my mind.

“We’ll be gone from the house for two weeks—“ My mother sat down at the table, settling herself in a chair.

“—just in time for your birthday,” my dad said, finishing her sentence. Then a simple question made me blank out.

“Mommy,” I spoke, my voice draining.

“Daddy,” I heard my twin repeat my tone, then I grasped her hand in desperation.

“How long will we go without soccer?” Pheobe and I asked, not wanting to imagine two weeks without the magical sport.


Boo! I like to pop outta nowhere

~Marshie :D

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