Chapter 15 - I Know

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Chapter 15

We got into our starting position, I quickly looked up at the moms, and mom was smiling while Kelly looked confused. We started the dance, it took all my concentration not to look up into the viewing room, Paige joined and I had to concentrate on the moves, I think I only glanced up 4 times during the whole number. We finished the dance and I stood up, I looked up at the viewing room to see Kelly leaving. My heart race increased, I scrambled out the door. I’m sure I got strange looks from anyone in the viewing as well as Paige and Chloe. I jumped over dance bags, benches and the occasional dancer. I would have to apologise to Mackenzie for smacking her in the head.

I sprinted out of the dancers den and into the front entrance, Kelly was already out the door making her way to her car across the car park. I burst through the door into the hot summer weather. She was leaving and I still didn’t know if it was the truth or not.

“I know you’re my birth mom!” I scream across the car park from the doors on the studio. I got my answer, she faltered for a second before speeding up and getting in her car.  

And like that my whole world came crashing down around me. My legs gave out under me and I fell to my knees, my face already soaked from tears. Her car turned out and onto the road, I stared at it until it was no longer in sight. I started to hyperventilate. I was struggling to get air into my lunges, tears still streamed down my face. I heard the door open behind me, I didn’t even acknowledge them I was still staring at the area I last saw Kelly’s car.

“Brooke…” Abby said gently, I wrap my arms around myself and start to shake. She wraps me in a hug and I wrap my arms around her. “Hey, hey, it’s okay” She rubbed my back, I cried into her shoulder.

“She… She…. She just left” I sobbed moving closer into Abby’s hug. “She wouldn’t… even turn… around” I cried, Abby hugged me tighter.

“She’ll come around” Abby said

“No!” I screamed “I don’t ever want to talk to her!”

“Don’t say that Brooke”

“Why not?” I wail, I just want to curl up in a ball and lay there “She doesn’t care about me.”

“Yes she does”

I was getting annoyed at Abby. How could she say that Kelly loves me when she just left? “No she doesn’t!” I stand up and stomp into the studio, my eyes where still red and my face wet from crying. I barged into the dancers den not looking at anyone and walked straight into studio D. I knew no-one was in there, because we would have rehearsals in there soon.

I turned on my solo music for ‘Arm Yourself’ and began to dance, I got about half-way through when someone turned the music off. I wiped around to see Abby with her hands on her hips. I was in no mood to have a heart to heart.

“What?” I asked, she motioned me over to her.

“You’re having a solo.” She stated, I was surprised, Abby never just gave out solos like this.

I looked at her sceptically. “A solo?”

She sighed “yes Brooke, a solo.”


“Well, I think it’s time you did this solo. I’ve had it prepared for a while now” I narrowed my eyes “It’s called ‘Why Won’t You Love Me?’ Now shall we learn this dance?” I nodded and walked to the middle of the room, I learnt the routine without music, we walked through the steps and soon enough I had the choreography down.

“I like this dance, can I hear the music now?” I asked Abby once we had gone through the dance a few times. Abby nodded and walked over to the computer, I followed and sat on the floor next to her stool.

“I want you to listen to the words, draw emotion from it” she said I nodded and she pressed play.

I listened to the music running the dance through in my head until the words started.

Hold up, wait a minute, can you tell me, promise you’ll be honest and you’ll tell me, everything that you feel. I just wanna know the truth even if it hurts me. Tell now if you can, I just wanna understand.

After hearing the first verse I knew it was about my adoption and who Kelly refused to talk to me.

Tell me why (why, why), Why won’t you love me the way I need to be loved? I keep trying (try, try). Why won’t you love me the way I need to be loved? Heart is crying, I need to be loved.

I thought about how she just left, she obviously didn’t want anything to do with me. Why would she leave like that if she did? I listened to the rest of the song, my eyes started to water. The dance and song really hit close to home. My eyes started to water and I pulled my knees to my chest. I listened to the rest of the song.

“Why would you do this?” I asked Abby once the song was finished.

“Do what?” Abby replied trying to look innocent, I’ve known this lady my entire life I could tell she was lying.

I narrowed my eyes and looked at her sceptically “This song, this dance” I said

“Brooke, there is a lot you don’t know, wouldn’t understand, I’m just trying to speed things along”

I huffed, she wasn’t going to tell me anything. I decided to run the dance once more with the music Abby clapped after I had finished. She motioned me back over to where she was.

“Now Brooke, do not tell anyone about this solo not even your mother, my plan is in motion” She smiled evilly, I really didn’t want to know what her plan was.

I nodded and backed out of the studio, I walked into the dancers den and sat down next to Mackenzie wrapping her in a hug and kissing the spot I had hit when I ran out before. 

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