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"But, Y/N." Dan complained, using his hands to talk. "If you do decide to move out of your flat and into Louise's, you will get no rest. Trust me, Darcy, Louise's daughter, can be a little terror when she wants." He chuckled nervously, biting his finger slightly.
You sighed over the camera, "Then what do you suppose I do, Mr. Boyfriend?" You enquired, enjoying his face on your computer screen. You ever so slightly liked to touch his face on the screen without him knowing from time to time, missing him. He lived in London while you lived in Birmingham. And Dan being Dan, he'd rarely come and see you.
You couldn't blame him though. You had exactly the same attitude.
He calmed and his hand fell down delicately onto his laptop, "Move in with me and Phil."


Hello! All credit goes to whoever wrote this nice piece of writing on tumblr. Hope all of you are having a fantastic day and if you're not then I hope everything gets better soon.
Take care, Anne.

Dan and Phil ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now