Dan: sweet comforts

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You question yourself at night and Dan comforts you by saying 10 things he loves about you.
Reminder: you are all beautiful people no matter what. Don't ever doubt that kai? ❤️

It was around 1am and there you were thinking about your life and existence with Dan. You knew how successful Dan was and how; if he wanted to, could get what he wanted and who he wanted. Then there was you, a bookstore helper. You turned to Dan who was on his phone and asked him, "hey Dan, do you love me?"
He turned to you in disbelief, put his phone down and held you close. "Y/n of course I love you? Is there any reason why you're questioning this now?"
"I just feel like you could do so much better.. I feel like you could go out and find.." Dan had cut you off before you could say another word.
"Y/n, in the end I chose you and I wouldn't have changed that. Trust me when I tell you this, I love you and I will always do until you push me away or the inevitability of death finally finds its way towards me.." You looked up at him in order to stop him.
"Ok sorry I'll stop. You know y/n  I know what'll make you feel better. I'll name 10 things I love about you."
"Dan. That's ok I get it." You then burry your head in his chest.
"Nopeity nope nope too bad. First thing, I love you're kindness. No matter who it is you're always kind to every living thing. Secondly, I adore you're easy going soul, I feel like I can tell you anything and you'd understand." Dan then kisses the top of your head.
"Third, I like how you're friends with Phil. You know my past girlfriends sadly didn't really like him but I mean he comes with the packet you date me you gotta like ma best mate." He then laughs at what he just said and so do you. You're glad he does because it lightens up the atmosphere.
"Fourth thing I like about you is how well you get along with my mum. You have no idea how relieved I was when you met my mum and you got along with her perfectly... Fifth reason. I appreciate that you don't judge me or anyone for that matter. Six. Your love for children, like when we went over to my family's get together and you held my cousins daughter. Now that melted my heart." You look up at him and smile because you remember that day perfectly, Dan had invited you to hang out with him and his family to a cook out, you gladly accepted the invitation and went along. There you were standing by the food while Dan talked to his grandma, that's when his cousin came over with her baby and asked you if you were dating Dan. You kept the conversation going until Dan came along and stood next to you. By then you had little baby Emma in your arms cradling her safely. Dan teased you about it and how great you look with a kid, not just you but both of you. He said you'd be a fantastic mother.
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Dan talk.

"Reason number seven. the way you get along with all my other YouTube friends. You understand that YouTube is important to me and you don't try to change that. You actually encourage it. Thank you for that. Eight. I like how we both like anime. You don't mind when I have my 'fanboy' moments." By then you start laughing rather loudly but not too loud to wake Phil up. Then there was Dan, just admiring your laugh. That's until you refrained yourself and said, "don't worry Dan, I will always embrace your 'fanboy' moments."

"Why thank you. Reason nine, I like the way you sound when you talk about something with passion, something you really love, whether it's a movie a book or for all I care it could even be a fork and I'd be entertained. It makes your eyes look even brighter than most times. And lastly, reason number ten. Not that I have to stop here I mean I can go on but ten seems like a reasonable number to stop at. And to me, the tenth reason what I like about you is your smile, as cheesy as it sounds it makes my bad days better." Dan smiles and you say, "oh god the cheesiness of that is cringeworthy."
"Hey! I can be cheesy all I want."
"Dan. Thank you. I appreciate what you've done. Love you." And then you gave him a short sweet kiss.
"Any time love. Ok I'm getting tired now." And that's when Dan held you close and you both fell asleep with smiles plastered on your faces.

Well there's that people of the internet. Hope you enjoyed that. Hey I had a question. Y'all like anime? I love anime and I need recommendations please!!
Love, Anne.

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