Dan: another baby

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Prompt: Son asks when he'll get a baby brother or sister.
This is just something small I came up with. Enjoy! =^.^=

It was a Thursday night, you were reading a book that still needed to be finished while Dan was on his phone scrolling trough all his social media feed. Just about ten minutes ago, you put your son Vernon (Vernon from Seventeen anyone?🤔😅💕 no okay. 😂🔫) to sleep and the house was pretty quiet. The silence made you want to go to sleep as well but all you had left in your book were three more chapters. Despite it being almost midnight, you kept reading for about six more minutes but that's when you heard little footsteps making their way towards your bedroom. You lightly touched Dan's arm and asked, "hear that? It's Vernon." He nodded, waiting for Vernon, your four year old, to barge into your room at any second now.

He opened your door, ran to your bed and then got up on it. Dan spoke up first asking him, "what's up bud? Can't sleep tonight?" All Vernon did was nod his tiny head.
"Why is that sweetheart?" You asked sweetly setting your book down on your nightstand.
"I have a question." He said. All you did was look at Dan while he returned that same questioning look.
"Ok what is it?" You asked wondering what possible question could keep your son up this late at night.
"When am I going to have a baby brother?" Wow well that was unexpected, it most definitely caught you off guard, you could even see Dan looking at you with wide eyes and you couldn't help but slightly giggle.
"Well.. It all depends on mummy and daddy. You see, it doesn't just happen when you want to." You said while playfully poking your sons tummy. You clearly tried explaining it but still found it hard not knowing how to describe this to a four year old.
"So am I going to have one soon?"
"Hmm I don't know kiddo-" You calmly tried explaining but that's when Dan cut you off.
"I don't see why not. Maybe having a brother or sister wort hurt." Dan said while smiling at you. As soon as Dan said that, Vernon smiled wide and was happy to be receiving such news.

"How long will it take for him to get here?" He asked curiously.
"Well it depends."
"On what?" He questioned.
"On.. Things." Gosh why was this kid asking so many questions.
"But what if you get a little sister and not a brother?" Dan asked him.
He took a moment to think about it and said, "I just want someone to play with." Both you and Dan smiled at how sweet this kid was.
"You know Vernon, once you have a little sibling, it won't all be fun and games, you'll have to learn how to change nappies and learn to feed him and stuff like that. Are you gonna learn?" His little face scrunched up in a disgusted way and laughed.
"Ew no that's nasty mummy." All you and Dan do was laugh at his silliness.
"Ok well it's really late now kiddo and you have to go to sleep." While you talked Dan picked him up and took him in his arms earning a soft laugh from Vernon.
"Say goodnight to mum." Vernon waved goodbye and said his goodnight. Dan walked out the room and took Vernon to his room. You could hear them say goodnight as well and then a door closing. You waited patiently for Dan to come back to talk more about what he thought.

Dan walked back in the room and he smiled tiredly.
"So whatcha think about all of this?" You asked while crossing your arms waiting for a response. Honestly, you have thought about it, quite a lot recently as well but you never mentioned anything to Dan because you thought he wouldn't want another baby in the house right now.

"About this whole baby thing?" He looked down and scratched his head. You nodded and waited for him to keep talking. "Well I don't know y/n. I guess it'd be nice for Vernon to have a little sibling but are we actually ready to have another baby right now?" You understood where this conversation was going. You remembered when you first had Vernon, all the sleepless nights and tired eyes, the little freedom you both had left to go out with friends was then gone. Something else that crossed your mind was how much money was spent as well. Every week there was a new thing you had to buy: nappies, baby bottles, baby wipes, blankets, clothing, medicine, it was a never ending list. Then when he would get sick you'd have to take him to the doctor and there went your sleep again, you'd have to stay up and check up on him every few hours to see how he was doing.

But then you began to think about all the good things that have come with having Vernon. You and Dan spent more time together when taking Vernon out, all the lazy nights you three had, learning new cooking methods because kids are picky, how silly he is makes you laugh and you just love him to bits.

"Uh y/n?" Dan spoke up snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Sorry.. um, to be honest, I think I'm ready but if you're not, I'm completely fine with waiting. And I get it, we have to think about this thoroughly." You said and Dan nodded his head in agreement to your words. He smiled and said, "well, I think I'm ready too. Plus it would do some good for Vernon, like that he won't be so lonely."
"Agreed." You said smiling at Dan, who was now pulling you towards him and embracing you. You laid your head on his chest and looked up at his eyes smiling. "Wanna maybe, I dunno.. Try for a baby now?" He snorted softly and kissed your lips passionately.

Aaaaaand we're gonna stop there, I'm not that kind of writer people! 😝 Plus y'all could be like 13 for all I know. Hope you liked this one, Anne.

Remember, request are OPEN

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