Phil: vlogging day

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You and phil do a vlogging day. (a day in the life of: ship name)

So today you and Phil had decided to do a vlogging day of all your fun activities. It had started with Phil recording you while cooking then you caught him making coffee and you recorded him doing that. Later on you were both relaxing in the lounge and he started to talk about his new profound love for an anime he just found. Next to you was the camera so you secretly recorded him talking about it. You loved the way he sounded when he talked about things he really cared about.

It was now little past noon, you both decided it would be a good idea to go into the city and find some new things for the flat or yourselves. On the way to the underground Phil started recording, " so guys here we are again walking to the underground with our handy Oyster cards in hand." Then you both held your Oyster cards up high. "Y/n, where do you think we should head to first once were there?"
"Well I was thinking we could go to that new tea place because I am in desperate need for this limited time tea" you finished off with a big smile.
"Sounds good, then maybe we could go to the place in front of it"
"And what would that place be?" You questioned him.
"You know that place where they sell lamps. And they have pretty awesome lamps as well."
"I guess we could go. You know guys last time...about three days ago, Phil being the clumsy guy he is, broke our lounge lamp."
"Hey in my defense I was playing video games."
"Yeah ok" you smiled up at him and gave his arm a little nudge.

Le time skip to le stores~
Phil started the camera again and said, "We have survived the underground and now were here... In the lamp store." He then rotated himself with the camera to give a view of the entire store.
"Hey y/n, I see you've got some possible lamps we might get."
"Why indeed I do my dear Philip, I got this copper one which is so cute but then I have this classy white one which I like as well."
"Quite a problem there huh." Then phil notices a lamp on the isle over. It was a Lego styled lamp and so he begins to walk over to it.
"What about this one here. It goes well with the mirror we have in the lounge."
"Of course it does" you said a bit sarcastically but decided to get it anyway. Phil was like a happy kid walking out of that store with his new Lego lamp.

"Where to next me lady"
"Not too sure, you decide."
After waking for a bit and finally deciding where to go, you both walked into a shoe store to buy some new shoes for Phil. After that you went to a few other stores and looked around for a bit before it got too late. Before you actually headed home, you went into a Vietnamese restaurant and got some good for Dan just in case he hadn't ate all day. You know how forgetful Dan can be when he spends most of his time on the internet. After that you both made it home at around 7:30. You set down the food you got for Dan on the countertop and wrote Dan's name on it so he knew it was his. At this point for some reason you felt extremely tired, you headed towards yours and Phil's room and on your way there you knocked on Dan's door and told him you had gotten him food and that it was in the kitchen. By now all you wanted to do was go take a quick shower and head to bed.

After your shower you saw Dan eating his food and with food in his mouth he thanked you. You went to go check up on Phil to see what he was up to and to say goodnight. You found him in the game room playing Marko Kart.
"Hey Phil I'm gonna go sleep ok."
He paused the game," ok love. I'll probably go sleep later, after I finish editing today's video. goodnight."
"Goodnight." You smiled and closed the door.

Phil's POV
It was now past midnight and as I was heading to bed, I realized that in our vlog today we didn't say goodbye so I decided to do it now. I grabbed my camera from y/n's night stand and hit record.
"Hey guys, I actually now realized that I forgot to say bye in this vlog. So yeah... Bye. If you enjoyed this give this video a thumbs up." I then turned to y/n and saw her sleeping. I pointed the camera towards her and said, "hey look, y/n says bye as well... She's so pretty isn't she guys." I chuckled at what I had said,"ok imma stop there before it gets all romantic-y. I'll see you next time guys, bye."
I finished off with putting my had over the camera lens. Then I changed real quick and tucked myself in bed and drifted off to sleep.
I know it's rubbish guys but I'm trying. Have any ideas floating in that head of yours? Tell me so I can give them a try.
Bye cuties, Anne.

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