Phil: The interview

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They interview phil and ask about his newborn 💕
d/n is daughters name kai (:

"Now Phil, there has been something big and exciting going on right now, hasn't there?" Lisa, the interviewee asks.

Phil looks down and gives a smile "Yes there has been! Recently y/n gave birth to our daughter (d/n) and it's been great. A bit tiring but overall great."

"Sounds about right." Lisa laughs. "Has this changed you both in any way at all or has this made you see things differently now with a baby?"

"Well you know what they say, 'once you have a daughter you become a softer person and a bit over protective', or at least that's what I've heard" Phil shifts in his seat and nods repeatedly. "I am starting to fear for the future, dealing with all the boys and whatnot." Phil laughs.

"Oh poor d/n" Lisa laughs along. "What about y/n? How is she doing?"

"Oh she's great! We still can't believe we have our own little human to take care of. Like she's actually with us, after nine months we can finally hold d/n and care for her. It is still a bit of unreal; all of this, to finally have her with us. It might sound a bit odd but I love putting her to sleep. I love the way she drifts off into her slumber and her little eyes close and the way she smiles in her sleep. Like what?! Babies smile in their sleep? But yes, I am most certainly treasuring the time I have with d/n and I can tell y/n is too. And as my mum keeps reminding me: 'they grow up so fast so enjoy it while you can'".

"Aww that is the sweetest thing I've heard! Well Phil, now let's talk about YouTube. How was it when..." Lisa kept talking but to Phil, her voice drifted away and all he wanted to do is to go home and see his baby girl and of course you as well. He can say with certainty that this is another big step in life, all is going well and he's never been happier.


Ello! Well there's that. I am so sorry if this sucks, it's my first time writing anything like this. But please let me know whatcha think in the comment section and if you liked it give it a like and if there is anything I can improve on (which there is haha) let me know as well. I'd love to improve on whatever I can. Thanks loves!

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