Dan: Little ladies night

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Promt: Y/n and Louise go out on a girls night and Dan has to care for the girls ft good ol' Philip
Ps: isn't Louise just so pretty and amazing 🌷

It was now 6:30pm on a Friday night and you were getting ready to out on a girls night with Louise. You were just finishing up doing your hair and making quick touch ups to your makeup. You couldn't wait to go out and have a few drinks with Louise and dance the night away. The reason why you two decided to have a girls night is because you where both mums. Seriously, you both loved being mums to the sweetest girls but it has been a while since you had a proper night out with yourself and some friends. Plus it doesn't hurt to treat yourself from time to time right?

It's now 6:57 and you hear a knock on your door. You run downstairs and see Louise who is already catching up with Dan. Before you reach the front door your daughter; (d/n), runs past you and starts talking to Darcy. Louise looks at you and gives you a hug.

"Ready to go munchkin?" Louise asks. You instantly giggle at the nickname she came up with. "I am so toats ready to go!" Dan sees you both, laughs and says, "you guys act like Secondary School girls who don't go out much." You and Louise instantly looked at each other and laugh at Dan's comment.

You thought it'd be best to get going since both of your guys' girls were entertained. You thanked Dan for staying in tonight and watching over them.

Once you and Louise arrived at some well known bar, you ordered some drinks for you both. The music started to get really good and Louise thought it be a good idea to go dance now. By this point you were having so much fun it made you feel young and with all the freedom in the world. You looked over at Louise and gave her a really big smile.

Dan's POV
It's been about an hour since Louise and y/n left and here I was trying to make some dinner for the girls. So far neither of them complaint about their mums not being here and I thought I was doing a pretty decent job about that. This isint as bad as I thought, that's when I smelled something burning. Oh crap! I left the stove on and uh dinner was pretty much ruined. Darcy and d/n walked in and asked if dinner was ready. I bent down to their height and said, "sorry little beans, I sorta mest up on dinner so why don't we order pizza instead?" They looked at me and agreed instantly. I mean duh.. What kid doesn't like pizza right?  I went over to where Phil was sitting and I asked him if he could order some pizza for us.

I didn't want the girls to constantly ask me when the pizza was coming so I gave them an idea: tea party. D/n, Darcy and I were now in d/n room all dressed up in feathery scarfs and make up. I definitely did not sign up for this. D/n then stands up from her tiny chair and says, "I have an idea! You two wait here okay?"
Me and Darcy nodded while d/n runs out of her room. By the time she gets back she's holding Phil's hand and she's asking him if he can play dress up with us. Phil looks over at me and starts laughing at my ridiculous outfit and make up the girls put on me earlier. He kneels down to d/n and says, "sorry d/n but I just remembered that uncle Phil has to go do something real quick but I'll be back in a bit okay." Then kisses her on the head. Phil looks at me and says, " hey I'll be back later but uh... Good luck with all of that. Oh and girls the pizza man should be here any minute now okay." Before he completely walks out he turns around to face the girls and tells them,"don't you think he needs a bit more of that make up stuff on his face. He's looking a bit unfinished." I then glare at Phil and tell him to go.

Your POV
The sound of the music kept blasting in your ears and you had your fun. At this time you and Louise were too tired to keep dancing so you decided to head home. You loved the freedom you felt, but not for long. You did miss your baby girl and of course your cute boyfriend Dan. You could tell that Louise herself was getting a bit uncomfortable with her surroundings. Maybe because both of you left that lifestyle behind couple years back. You both got out of the club and looked for a cab to take you both home. On the way back, both of you talked about how much fun you had but it just wasn't the same. Both of you wondered about Dan and how he must be doing with the little pumpkins back at home. You'll just have to wait and see.

Dan's POV
By now we had all eaten pizza. Phil came back not too long ago and decided he would go into his room to edit a video or two before he headed to bed. I put the girls into their pj's and so did I. I asked them if they wanted to watch a movie and they most definitely wanted to. I suggested Frozen and they began singing 'Let it go'... I'm taking that as a yes. I put it in and not too long after the first 20 minutes they were already asleep. I had Darcy on one side and d/n on the other. I figured Louise and y/n would be staying out pretty late tonight so I myself drifted off to sleep as well.

Your POV
We both finally arrived at my place. Me and Louise split the cab bill into two and went to my front door. Everything sounded too quiet so we suspected Dan put the girls to sleep and now he would be sitting on the couch while being on tumblr, but when we walked in, me and Louise were taken aback at the cute sight in front of us. He had both girls on either side of him, all cuddled up and in a big blanket. You took a quick picture and kept smiling at how cute everyone looked. You both didn't want to wake them up so you went over to where Phil was to check if he as well had fallen asleep, but he was just reading some book he had recently bought, you both decided to converse with him for a while before heading off to bed. You did; however, ask how the rest of the afternoon went. Phil smiled and told both of you both to check Instagram/Twitter. You and Louise both laughed at the sight of Dan being in a feathered scarf, bracelets, necklaces and make up on him while the girls drank their 'tea'. After that you three said your goodnights and went to bed.

Sorry my endings are utter uh.. Rubbish... Haha but hey I'm trying. Yup! Till next time peeps.

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