Dan: "you're too kind"

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Prompt: you forgot your lunch at home so Dan decides to be a gent. and take it to your work.

Dan's POV

I woke up around ten this morning and while I was going to go set up the coffee maker, I noticed y/n had packed her lunch but forgot to take it with her to work. I decided I'd be a good boyfriend so why not take the lunch to her.

I got dressed and made my way to the underground to get to y/n's job. She worked at a school as a primary teacher. As I got off to the destination closest to the school. I walked the rest of the way there because it was nice out considering it's still summer.

I saw the school and walked in to the front office, I saw an elderly lady there around, I'd say 62 maybe. She saw me walk in and greeted me cheerfully. I returned her smile and she asked what I needed.
"Oh I'm just here to give my girlfriend her lunch, you see, she forgot it at home." I responded with a soft laugh realising how silly I must've sounded.
"Well ain't that just one of the sweetest things I've seen today love."
"Yeah" I casually laughed along with her.
"Who's the teacher?"
"Right uh y/n y/l/n"
"Aw so you're the one she's always going on about now" she waved her hand in the air pointing at me.
"I guess so" I smiled at the thought of y/n taking about me at work.
"Would you like to go in and give it to her or would you like me to hand it to her during lunch time?"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to give it to her."
"Of course, silly me for even asking that question. Ok you have to put this badge saying you're a visitor darling."
"Alright" I said while putting the badge on.
"If you go straight out of here and make a left you'll see the third grade building, you'll have to keep going to the farthest right and then you'll see a big number five on the right hand corner of another building. Go in there and she'll be in the classroom number 505." (Slight Arctic Monkeys reference 😏)
"Thank you so much." I said and walked out of the main office.

I walked until I found the building with the big number five on it and then went into room 505. I saw y/n lecturing her fifth grade class. She looked so different compared when she's at home. Here she seems as if she's in another universe. The way she talks is different, that tone of hers is so light and peaceful, it almost makes me wish I was in school again.
"Ok noun. Anyone knows what it means?" She asks her class. She still doesn't notice I'm here. A boy raises his hand,"yes Nate?"
"Does it have to do with A,E,I,O,U?"
She smiles softly and says, "not quite Nate, good guess tough, those are called vowels. A noun is a person,place, or thing. Write that down so you won't forget."
As soon as she turns to write it down on the white board, y/n catches a glimpse of me and walks towards me.

"Dan? What are you doing here?" She asked surprised and then looks down at my hand. "Aw Dan is that my lunch?"
"Mhmm, didn't want you to go without eating." She laughs.
"Ooh is that Miss y/l/n's boyfriend?"
Y/n and I turn to her class. "Why yes it is, class this is Dan, mind saying hi to him?" She tells them.
"Ooooh" your class says and starts making kissy noises at both of us. Jeez they have no chill. I laugh along and all of a sudden I feel warmness on my cheeks. Am I blushing?
"Alright settle down." She says. "Well thanks again Dan. I'll see you later at home okay?"
"Ok" I say while smiling big.
"Bye Dan." She hugs me and I return the hug. "Oh and Dan, you're just too kind sometimes." She says and smiles warmly.
I gave a smirk and with that I left the classroom and made my way back home waiting for y/n to come home from work.

Ugh endings! Why can't I make a decent endings from time to time. Lol well there you go. Thanks for reading loves.

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