Preference: text messages

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While away on le tour text messages


Dan: "hey are you busy? ☺️"
Y/n: "Not really. Why?"
Dan: "no reason. Just checking up on how you've been."
Y/n: " good. I do miss you tho 😘"
Dan: same. I really wish I could be there right now maybe watching netflix... And maybe chilling a bit."
Y/n: : "Dan?!"
Dan: "what?"
Y/n: "you know what.."
Dan: "oh my dear y/n you have a nasty mind lol I didn't mean it that way. 😂"
Y/n: "mmhm..."
Dan:" hey but I mean it y/n, I do miss you and I'll be there in 3 weeks ok."
Y/n: " miss you too dan😘😔 can't wait to see you soon babe"
Dan: "I have to go rehearse now✌️ Take good care of yourself Okay?"
Y/n: "Okay."
*end of le text messages*


Phil: "Good morning y/n!!😃🙈🌞☀️"
"Hey y/n are you awake? 😧"
"Wake up!!!😘"
Y/n: "I'm up I'm up haha how are you?"
Phil: "Oh good I thought a wild dog had snuck into the house and ate you in your sleep😥"
Y/n: "Haha wut?! 😂 don't worry I can assure you no wild dog came in👌"
Phil: "So how's life back at home?"
Y/n: "Oh same old same old, nothing too interesting going on here. But I'm pretty sure you're having the time of your life right now😉"
Phil:"I'm living the rockstar dream y/n what can I say"
Y/n: "Oh shut up you lol"
Phil: "Haha I'm having fun, though it is tiring, but overall fun."
Y/n: "Well I'm glad you're enjoying you're time in America🇺🇸 Have you stuffed yourself with American pancakes and waffles yet?"
Phil:"What?! No haha I do no such thing, plus I'm just barely starting😍"
Y/n: "Haha just don't over stuff"
Phil: "I won't don't worry about it. I have to go y/n 😢 it's time to rehearse and set things up. I will try to FaceTime you soon ok love?☺️😘"
Y/n: "Sounds good Phil. Take care I'll see you soon💕"
*end of conversation*

And this concludes this little piece of rubbish art haha. It's my first time writing anything like this but I hope you enjoyed at least a tad bit.
Until next time, Anne.

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