Phil: Such a lovely day

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You and Phil spent the day together and have a wonderful time together.

Now you were really excited to go out with phil tonight. It's actually been awhile since you both had some alone

Your 'you time' normally consisted of Phil, Dan, yourself and other YouTubers, to which you didn't mind one bit. Spending time with Phil's friends wasn't an issue but now that it was just Phil and yourself, you couldn't be happier.

Phil said he was taking you out to a nice little restaurant in which you would love due to the view it had of the city. Now you didn't want to go overly dressed or too underdressed, so you looked through your belongings and found a simple black dress just above the knee, golden flat shoes and a golden necklace.

Just as you were finishing up with your make up, Phil knocked on the bathroom, "are you ready to go love?"
As you applied your mascara you said, "Yup! Just give me... One... Second.. Okay done." You looked up at him and gave him a big smile.

On your way over to the restaurant you and Phil talked about random things; such as, new movies that were coming out, family, your job and other simple things. Dinner went great. Phil was right, you loved the view, it was one of your favorite things about it. Plus you truly enjoyed spending time with him, it felt like you haven't had a proper night out with Phil in forever.

You both ended up walking around town in the dark. You especially loved it, you feel as if the later it gets the more you spill. You both talked about what the future held. He would even asked questions like, "what if we had a kid together? Would it have my eyes or yours? Or maybe he'll have your nose and maybe my ears." It made you smile at the way his head worked, always thinking of the randomest things to say. He even brought up the deeper questions like, "what is the true meaning of us being here?" And "I wonder why out of all the people in the world I just had to meet you."

You honestly didn't mind that he kept talking and kept the conversations going. You didn't care what you both did or talked about, just as long you had Phil by your side you'd be good.

Since it was getting a bit too late, you both decided to head back home. Once you got there you both changed into your comfiest of pjs and made a warm tea. You both got tucked in bed and drank it while your conversations of earlier kept going. You didn't mind staying past your bed time tonight because you weren't sure when you'd have another of these nights. A night all to yourself with Phil, just you and him being silly and honest, all cuddled up and warm and enjoying each others' presence. You looked at your surroundings: the lights were dimmed, the sound of Phil's voice was soft and soothing, the flat itself was quiet and your teas were still warm. As Phil kept talking, you set your tea down on the bedside table, tugged the blankets up to your neck and got closer to Phil. He wrapped his arm around you and you let yourself sink onto his side. You let his voice continue talking to you as your eyelids got heavy. You stayed there letting him soothe you and making you feel relaxed, your hand was on his chest and you felt his heartbeat, the rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. You wouldn't have changed anything of tonight because if it would have gone different you wouldn't be in the position you're in. You're glad this happened and wouldn't have it any other way.

Well there ya go ma peeps! Hope you enjoyed a cute and sweet imagine. I understand if these suck but I'm trying k? If by any chance you have any ideas on what I should write next let me know and I can give them a try. Byeee👋

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