Preference: you babysit together

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Your brothers' wife recently gave birth to a baby girl. You were over the moon with her because she was your first niece. Micah; your brother, had asked you if it was ok to babysit Margaret on Friday while he and Elaine went out on a short date night. You happily agreed to care for her and maybe you'd even ask Dan to come along and help.

Friday came faster than expected and Micah dropped Margaret off at your place. He went over the rules with you, do's and don't's, when to feed her and change her. You told him everything would be fine and that you got this covered. You called Dan an hour ago asking him to come to your flat, he still didn't know for what but he said he would be there.

So far, baby Margaret was asleep on the couch protected by most of the pillows you owned so she wouldn't fall off. You went into the kitchen to make some popcorn and have it ready for when Dan came and then maybe you'd both watch a movie.

Dan arrived at your place and the first thing he notices is a baby. "Uh y/n..? There's a baby on your couch."
You laugh at his confusion and say, "I know there's a baby on my couch silly, it's my niece Margaret."
"Hmm, Margaret. Nice." He then takes a seat slowly next to you and you both eat popcorn while watching your favorite movie.

Half way through the film, Margaret wakes up crying. For a second you forgot you had Margaret, you pick her up and try swaying her back and fourth so she could fall back asleep but so far that wasn't working one bit. You hand her to Dan to see if he could get her to stop crying, he sat her down on the couch and started to make ridiculously funny faces at her, that only worked for about two minutes. All of a sudden Dan looks up at you with a disgusted face. "I believe her diaper needs a change." He picks her up and passes her to you. As he hands her over, you smell her diaper and scrunch up your nose and give her back to Dan so you could go fetch a new diaper out of her baby backpack. Dan sets her on your countertop and you say, "Dan! What exactly are you doing?"
"Aren't we going to change her?"
"Yeah but not on my countertop, here give her to me." He then sets her in your arms carefully and you tell Dan to pass you her blanket. You put her blanket on the floor then set her down gently.
"Ok now time to change you Maggie." You send Dan to quickly go get you a plastic bag to put all of the dirty papers and diaper in. Finally she's changed and Dan had already made her a bottle, all warm and stuff. You were impressed at how good he was handling this.

You leave her on the floor with Dan watching over her while you go wash your hands. When you come back, Dan's sitting on the floor, back against the couch, bottle in hand and baby Margaret in his arms. She's slowly closing her eyes while looking up at Dan. You stand there to enjoy the view but he catches you looking, you smile and walk over to them and sit next to him. "You know Dan, you're pretty good with this whole baby stuff." He looks at you and smiles tiredly. "So this is why you wanted me to come over tonight? To help you babysit?" "Maybe." You say with a hint of proudness. "Glad you did though, I like babies." You just look at him and give him a small smile.

You then check the time and as if on cue, you hear a knock on the door. You go towards it and see Micah standing outside waiting for you. You let him in and both of you head towards to were Dan was. Micah sees Dan and smiles while Dan sets Margaret in her baby carrier. You then put stuff back in her baby bag and hand it to Micah. "Hey thanks loads y/n for being able to take care of her tonight, and you too Dan, I'm guessing she dragged you into this." Micah says with a laugh. "Oh so you knew? Ha. That's alright though, she's a cute baby."
"Thanks man. Hey I have to go Elaine is waiting for me in the car. I'll see you both soon. Thanks again." And with that Micah was out the door.

"Dan. Thanks for helping me out tonight." You walk towards Dan and hug him. "Not a problem, well I should get going to let you rest."
"No wait, how about you stay tonight and we could keep watching movies."
"Sounds like a plan."

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