Dan: the pianist

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Prompt: Dan falls for the pianist

As Dan walked down the street, he passed by the music theatre. There he heard the most beautiful sound played on the piano. Someone was playing Rondo alla Turca by Mozart. To see who it was, he made his way inside and saw the back of a girl who was sitting there playing the piano so gracefully. The way her hands moved and her head swayed along with the keys being played. He could tell she did this with such passion, it made him want to hear her play for days on end.

He believed she felt a presence because she stopped, not finishing up the song. Her fingers laid flat on the keys and she spoke up, "may I help you?"
"No. S- sorry for barging in here but you played really lovely I had to see who it was." Dan told her nervously.
She turned around and gave him the sweetest of smiles, "thank you, I was actually just practing for tonight's concert, do you play?"
As she spoke, Dan couldn't focus on what she was saying, her lips were clearly moving but to him the sound was muffled. He admired how beautiful she looked, the way her hair hung off her shoulders like a cascade. The way the light from the window hit her eyes and it made them look so beautiful. Her face looked surreal, he thought, how can someone as beautiful as herself exist. He focused on her eyes again and saw confusion in them, that's when he realised she had probably asked him something and was waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Dan asked, snapping out of his thoughts.
She looked down in amusement and said, "do you know how to play the piano?" She repeated, then looked up again and her eyes met his, he could honestly get lost in such pretty eyes. But he thought it'd be best if he concentrated. 
" I do actually. Probably not as good as you but I do."  Dan explained.
"Mind showing me?" She asked, in hopes he'd say yes. Dan walked over to the piano and took a seat.
"Whenever you're ready, uh.. "
"-Dan" he said.
"Whenever you're ready Dan." With that he began to play what he knew and when he finished she softly clapped and he smiled. "You're pretty good yourself Dan."
"Why, thank you-"
"Y/n" she told him and he nodded in an understanding manner.
"I actually should head home now, it was nice meeting you y/n." He told her while walking out the door yet facing her.
"Hey before you leave, I did tell you about tonight's concert, want to maybe come over and watch?"
"Yeah I- I'll be here." He responded while watching her play with her fingers. "I'll see you tonight." He made it to the door and then walked outside. While walking home, be started to rethink how pretty y/n was. How her face was beautifully framed and her smile was to die for. Dan couldn't wait to see her play again tonight, to see her graceful hand movements, to see her head swinging softly side to side... To see her.

Aww I thought this was cute guys. What do you think?
Love, Anne.

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