Chapter 4

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I wake up with an alarming clock ringing next to my ear. When I open my eyes the first thing I hear is light snoring. I face the other way to see Harry sleeping on the other bed with one leg hanging down the bed, snoring lightly. He's is in his boxers. Oh My God, I got to get out of here before something overtakes my heart. 

Pulling my blanket sheet off me, I climb off the bed and head towards the toilet door. I take a shower and change into my clothes I organised yesterday. I pad towards the desk, making sure not to wake Harry up, and grab my planner and and my bag and head towards the door. As soon as I open the door I hear something..

"Becca....." I turn around and find out that Harry said that. He talks in his sleep? Okay, before it gets more weird and he spots me I walk out of the doorway and close the door behind me. 

I walk in this desserted corridor with only a few people walking around. I guess they are going to their classes. As I am walking to my first lesson, Biology, I am guessing that I might be the first person in the classroom. I am not exactly proved right as I walk through the door. There is a girl sitting on the first desk. I decide to take a seat next to her since she is the only person in the class and I will find it awkward to sit somewhere else whilst she is sitting there. 

As I get closer to her I notice that she has long brown hair coming down her shoulder. She is reading a book but she looks up at me as I take a seat next to her. 

"Hi." I say simply. 

"Hey. My name is Corrin." She says.

"My name is Laura." I introduce myself and she is the first person I have introduced myself to. Which is weird because I thought that I would introduce myself to my roomate who would be a girl and we would hang out on weekends and share each other's homework, but I was proved wrong as soon as I entered that door yesterday. It turned out totally opposite. 

"Nice to meet you." I say and mean it, because it feels pretty good to find someone. I have a feeling we'll be really good friends. 

"It's nice to meet you too." Corrin says. 

As our class starts more and more people start to enter the class. Our professer enters the class as well. He introduces himself as Mr. Payne. He begins to introduce what we are going to be doing during this first term, and to be honest I am pretty excited about this. 

We exit the first class and enter the next. The day goes by just like this. One class to another. Teachers introducing themselves. Now, I can't even remember most of the teachers names because I am so confused. I return to my room and sit my bag and books down on the desk. I decide to take a nap. 

As soon as I am about to drift off to my sleep, the door opens. Again. No please no. I beg inside my head to whoever just entered to let me sleep. Its Harry. I forgot that I was supposed to be away from him. I open my eyes to find him staring at me. I quickly turn to the other side to avoid looking at him. I can still feel his gaze on me. It's pretty weird. 

"Are you really sleeping or you're just trying to ignore me?" He says, to my suprise. My eyelids flew open as he said that. What? Oh my god. He is actually attempting to talk to me. After last night. 

"Nope."  I reply and I feel like laughing at my own reply. Why did I just say that? I was supposed to be pretening to sleep. 

"Oh, so you're not sleeping?" He says which sounded more like a question. 

"No, I was trying to because I am tired." I say. And oh yeah, before you entered the room and distracted me and by constantly looking at me. 

"Is it because of me? I am sorry that I keep distracting you from sleep. You should sleep now." He says in a weird tone which could be considered as worried. 

"Yes, you should be sorry." I whisper. Because of last night and the outburst of that girl.

He doesn't say anything but I hear keys and then the door slam. Again, I am left on my own. No one to talk to. I just decide to sleep which doesn't come to me. I hate him now. I hate Harry. I haven't been with him for long but now I am starting to think that my crush for him was stupid. I sit up from my lying position and grab my phone. Before I know what I am doing, I dial Louis' number. 

"Hello?" He says through the speaker. 

"Hey Louis." I say. I think I sound dead.

"Laura? Oh My God. You okay? You were supposed to call me yesterday. I waited for your call but you didn't so I went to sleep." He says all of this in one go, like he desperately wanted to say this. I can't blame him for it. It's my fault.

"Sorry Louis, I was too tired to do anything else. I am really sorry." I say the same desperation as in his voice. 

"It's okay, baby." He said softly. I love it when he talks to me like that. It makes me feel special. I smile at his response.

"So what are you doing?" I say rather cheerfully. 

"Nothing, really. I was just gardening, I came over to your mum's because she wanted me to come. But I missed you so much." 

"I know, I missed you too. My classes were so boring and you know there is no one here I can talk to! I hate it here. Why do you have to be two years older than me? Why?" 

"Awwr. Don't worry, we can meet up this weekend. Don't you talk to your roomate. Haven't you made any friends at the moment?" He says.

"No, and I hate my roomate." I say and I know deep down that I don't mean that.

"Why?" He simply asks. 

"Because he is so rude and he doesn't even talk to me, so I find him annoyingly-boring." I say.

"He?" He questions.

"Yes, 'He'. He is a guy, a freakishly annoying guy." I say. Trying to persuade him to leave me alone. I have no idea why. 

"Ok then, well I have to go, your mum is calling me, Bye Love." He says through the speaker.

"Bye." I simply say and put the phone down on the stand and drift off to sleep. Thinking how weird the conversation was. Without any interuptions I close my eyes and go to sleep. 

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