Chapter 11

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I keep staring at that person just to make sure that my eyes are not deceiving me. But I am right. It’s Louis. With a blonde girl. I did not expect to see him today or here anyways. He told me that he never gets drunk. Hardly. Well I guess I was wrong about him. I was too blinded by his love that I didn’t see that coming. That he still drinks. I don’t know what to make out of this. He is flirting with her. I think about doing the same with Harry but as soon as that thought comes into my mind, I dismiss it. It’s a stupid idea but why did I even think of that? I can’t do that. No. Never in a million years.  I don’t know what to do. Either I could go and there and throw a tantrum and ask him about this incident or I could sit here and watch him and do nothing about it but I will talk to him about it tomorrow. No I can’t do that. I don’t think I have a choice but to go and point it out. But at the same time,  I don’t want to sit here and watch my boyfriend cheat on someone else.

Without thinking, I take my first step towards him. Unsure of what to do when I get there. I feel Harry’s and Corrin’s gaze on me, but I don’t care. I want to end this. Now.

Louis takes a step back from the girl, showing clear shock in his eyes. I don’t know what to say or do now. I think of slapping him but I can’t. I can’t seem to move my arm. I don’t have any energy.

Fortunately, he makes the first move.

“Laura, please…listen to me.” He manages to say and without thinking, my arms seems to move and as soon I realize I can move it, my hands connects with Louis’ jaw. Hard. That’s what he deserved.

“Laura…Please, I…”He starts to say but I make a run for it. I don’t want to be here. Near Louis or anyone. I was supposed to be talking to him about our conversation. Oh no, not anymore. I don’t want to now.

I rush over to the car and see that Harry and Corrin are making their way towards me. Shock clear on their faces.

“What happened, Laura? You okay? Oh my god, please don’t cry. What happened? Please tell me.” Corrin says in one go and I never realized that tear drops were rushing down my soft cheeks.

“Nothing. Can we please go back to my room? I don’t want stay here anymore.” I say tears spilling down my cheeks.

“Come on Corrin, can’t you see that she is heartbroken. Louis cheated on her that’s why.” Harry says and I am surprised that he knows Louis’ name.  Well I will talk to him what he knows about Louis and how he knows him when he get to the room.

“Okay, Okay.” Corrin says quickly and sit inside.

She drives as fast as she can to get me to my room. She knows I am upset and she is here to comfort me. I am glad for that but I think I need to be alone but I don’t think that is possible since Harry’s going to be there. Urgh

As soon as we reach towards the building, I rush out of the car when it has barely stopped. I am jogging my way to my room. As I reach the door, I unlock it and enter inside and lock it quickly. Shedding away tears for someone who doesn’t belong to me anymore. Moments later, I hear the door pounding and I am hoping it’s Corrin but I am broken when I hear Harry yelling the opposite side of the door.

Giving in, I wipe my tears before opening the door for Harry. As soon as I open the door, Harry nearly falls inside because he has been pushing the door. There’s a laugh inside my body but I am too upset to show that. I close the door as Harry gets inside the room.  Unexpectedly, Harry makes his move for me and he comes so close that I can feel his hot breath against my skin.

“What happened?” He asks. I don’t know if to answer him honestly or just lie.

“Nothing.” I say which a lie is, of course, because from inside my body has been shattered into thousands of pieces.

“Of course something happened, that’s why you are so upset. Do you think I am that dumb? First you see a girl with Louis and then go to him and slap him and run out of the club. On top of that, you lock me outside and…”he wipes a small tear on my cheek away with the pad of his thumb which makes me shiver “…you’re crying.” He manages to finishes his sentence because I thought he would never finish it.

“Why do you care?” I say pushing myself away from him.

“I don’t but I care because Louis is my friend. And all I wanted to know what happened? Even though I know half the story.” He says. He’s such a nosy thing. Wait..what did he just say? Did he say that Louis was his friend?

“What? Louis is your friend?” I say.

“Yeah, of course. We have been friends since secondary school.” He says. “Why? Does it matter to you? Does it hurt you that your boyfriend is friends with someone like me?” He adds. He is so annoying and I am not going to answer his questions.

“I don’t care because he is my ex now.” I say harshly, not thinking of it. I clearly have to talk about this but I don’t think I will but I have to. Some point or the other. I have to let him explain himself.

“Oh, really? Well I am not going to be nosy about that. I’ll just ask Louis.” He says like he is proud of himself. God, he is so irritating. Why is he even my roommate?

I ignore his comment and head towards the bathroom. Shattered. I have no idea what to do because I have been standing in front of this mirror for more than 10 minutes and someone , who is known as my roommate, reminds me to come out because he needs the toilet. I change my clothes and head outside the door. I didn’t even bother to look back at Harry as he continues to gaze at me as I climb into my bed. I turn my body the opposite so I don’t have to face him. After another 10 minutes, I hear the bathroom door unlock. 

“Goodnight.” Says Harry. I am complete in shock because this is not his reaction. What?

“Goodnight.” I say as I drift off of sleep having a dream about Louis and that blonde girl and Harry dragging me from Louis because he grabbing my arm and pulling me away from them. I wonder if that’s true.

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