Chapter 31

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Laura's POV

It has been a few days since I have spoken to Harry. I mean, a proper conversation, just a simple "yes" or "no" answers. I feel neglected by both of of my friends, Corrin and Harry. Yes, I considered Harry as my friend but now that he is isn't making any effort to talk to me, nor is Corrin which is more painful.

It's now Friday night and I am sitting here like a loner, reconsidering my life options.

I am unsure if I should text or call Corrin because she hasn't made any effort talking to me after I told her about Zayn and I hanging out.

Despite my negative thoughts, I attempt to call Corrin only to be picked up by her robotic voicemail.

A few minutes later of me planning on trying to how to get to Corrin, the room door opens and Harry barges in.

Well someone's here to give me company.

"Hey" Harry starts the conversation, surprisingly.

"Hi" I smile awkwardly.

It is quite weird for me because we haven't had a proper conversation since the I went to hang out with Zayn.

"Erm..what are you doing?"

"Nothing, I was trying to study but I guess I'm not much successful at it." I reply.

He chuckles. Oh God.

"Okay. If you're busy then that's alright."

"No, no, not really." I emphasize on my "no"s.

"You're sure?" He asks, curiously.

"Yes, but why?"

"Erm..I don't know I thought we'd just..hang out?" he more likely asks then tells.

What? Well now that's surprising.

"If that's okay with you" He quickly adds.

"Yeah. Of course." I stare at him with surprise.

"What?" Well he seems to have noticed my actions.


I get up from bed and move towards the bathroom when familiar pair of fingers wrap around my wrist. Of course Harry. I turn around and sees him with directly in the eye. His eyes are glossy. Very glossy indeed. For a second I think he is going to have a breakdown.

"And..I needed to talk to you as well..but we'll talk later when we go out." He gives me a small smile.

I agree and lock myself in the toilet. I wash my face and apply some lotion on in order to keep my skin soft. I apply soft make up so I don't look like I have been prisoned for my whole life. I don't bother to change my clothes because according to me, my clothes look fine since I don't have any idea where we are going.

As I come out of the bathroom, I acknowledge Harry admiring something on the desk...

Oh God. My diary...

I practically run to the desk and grab by diary in order to stop him from reading any further. He looks up, amazed.

He doesn't say anything but only to ask if I was ready to go which I said yes to.

As we make our way to Harry's car, I notice that Harry is wearing shiny black boots which looks cool on him and I smile.

Being a gentleman, Harry opens the passenger door and lets me sit in the car.

"You're very talkative today." Harry attempts to joke.

"Ha Ha" I fake laugh at his joke but he seems amused by this because he chuckles.

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