Chapter 12

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The incident of what happened yesterday comes back in flashes as soon as I open my eyes and they feel heavy. I don’t have the energy to actually get up and head toward the door. I just want to lie down here until all the weight in my body has vanished but I know that I will have to, somehow or the other. As I sit up from the bed, my body feels like it’s been put a thousand of weight on. I force myself to climb off the bed and head towards the bathroom door. But before I do that, I slowly make my way to the cupboard, making sure I don’t wake Harry up who has been sleeping like a drunken dude. I take my clothes out and head towards the door. I decide to have a shower, so maybe it could wash away the memories from last night.

It happens eventually, but I know it’s temporarily. I know that as soon as I get out of here it will get me again. I don’t know what exactly. I get out of the shower and put my clothes on. When I get out of the toilet, I see Harry sitting on the edge of the bed, with only his boxers. I guess that’s his habit. He looks up at me to meet my eyes and somehow the other I can feel sadness. I decide not to say anything about this, so I walk to the desk and grab my books and the bag and head out of the door without another word.

I walk in the corridor, making my way up to my first lesson where I have to see Corrin. Well, it’s one of my favourite classes because I get to see Corrin which is amazing and since she is the only friend I have here. I am still not sure what to do about Louis. Maybe I should just give up on him but I loved him and I have never had a boyfriend before. But oh well, too bad, he is missing something out here.

I go to classes as normal and me and Corrin head different directions as we make our way out of our last class. I want to do something today. I might just go to my mothers and talk to Louis about yesterday, but at the same time, I don’t want to. I don’t think I want to talk about anything. I just want to end things with him because I just can’t stand what happened last night. It was heartbreaking. I am just going to call Louis and tell him it’s over. I don’t want anything to do with him anyways. As I begin to take out my keys unlock the door to my room, I realize that the room door is already open. I hear someone talking. Louis.

“…and you know how she is.” Says Louis.

“Well, you could’ve tried to explain to her.” Oh my god, that’s Harry. So it’s true what he was saying. That he is Louis friend.

“I did, but you also know how Gemma will react about this. You know, she already hates Laura.” Louis says and for me, this conversation makes no sense at all except for the fact that someone called Gemma hates me. I don’t even know who she is.

“Hmmm...true. But what do you want to do now?” Harry says and I feel bad for eaves dropping in their conversation but I think this is the only way I could get some answers because they won’t say the truth if I go in there.

“I don’t want her to be upset neither I want Laura to be upset.” Louis says. I think I know where he is getting at. And he just says it.

“I don’t want to lose Laura nor Gemma but I just can’t choose. I want to be with both of them...Urgh, this is so complicated. Why do relationships have to be complicated?” Louis says and it breaks my heart that he can’t choose between me and some other girl. That’s it, I am done with him so he doesn’t have to choose between me and that other girl. What the heck?

Tears are now streaming down my cheeks if they weren’t before. I don’t know what to do and they are carrying on with their conversation like it’s completely normal.

“Well, you should have told her everything yesterday that you were starting to date Gemma. You’re such a loser, why didn’t you tell her yesterday? I brought her there yesterday so you could tell her about it but you just stood there, doing nothing. What was wrong with you?” Harry says and starts to raise his voice.

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