Chapter 35 (Last Chapter)

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"What the fuck is going on here?" I think I hear Harry say because I have no idea what's going on now.

"Hey Harry" says Zayn with a fake smile. You can tell because it's pretty obvious.

"What are you doing here Zayn...with Laura?" Harry says as his green eyes gorging with anger look back and forth between Zayn and I.

"Does it bother you?" Zayn answers with a question and when I look over to him, he's smirking. I feel like slapping him.

I don't know why I made the choice of becoming Zayn's "girlfriend" like seriously what wasgoing through my mind? If I don't want to accept the fact that I wanted to be anything more than friends with Zayn then now is the time to say it. In this way, Harry's anger will decrease. Hopefully.

"Zayn, Leave. Now." Harry is trying to stay calm.

"Well," Zayn attempts to continues and succeeds while smirking.

"Me and my girlfriendwould be leaving right now unless you want to stay here." Before I realise Zayn is talking to me with his head turned toward me.

"Erm.." I don't know what to say but before I can say anything, Harry speaks.

"What?" Harry's face changes from angry to..hurt?

"Laura are you coming or not?" Zayn asks impatiently.

Harry seems to be deep thinking while I take my time to answer.

"I don't know..I think-" But I don't even know what I'm going to say but Harry interrupts.

"So if she's your girlfriend then where's Isabelle...?" Harry half asks, nearly trailing off at the end.

"Isabelle?" Zayn snorts.

"Isabelle. I left her after high school because she was too insecure about our relationship like seriously. I also think she was interested in someone else..."Zayn continues.

Oh god. Is that the girl who Harry has crush on but Zayn dated her? And now he left her? How many girls has he dated? How many more is he going to play with like that?

Harry looks like he has suddenly realized something and put the pieces of puzzles together.

"Zayn oh god..Laura can you leave for a second?" Harry freaks out but once he realises that I'm in the room, he inquires me to leave and I don't want to because I would love to hear what Zayn has to say.

"No" I simply say but it comes out harsh so Harry stays quiet.

"Okay Laura . You know how I told you about who I had a crush on..."Harry continues.

"Yes"I reply.

"Her name was Isabelle."

Oh. I knew it.

"Okay? And?" I ask, forgetting that Zayn is in the room.

"I think that Zayn is trying to use you-" Harry starts to say but Zayn interrupts.

"No its not what you think. I like Laura." Zayn says.

"That's the difference between you and I. You like her but I loveher." Harry says and my mouth falls open.

Oh. What. How. This is just crazy.

Whats going on?

Suddenly my head starts spinning and to get some support I sit myself down on the bed.

"You don't. Where's your Rebecca huh?" Zayn speaks.

"We broke up about a week ago." Harry speaks back.

I don't even know where is this going to be taken. My head is hurting and I don't even know what the time is. To check it I look over the clock. 10pm.

"So?" Zayn says.

"So what? I know you're going to repeat the pattern like you did with Isabelle and I'm not going to let it happen." Harry says and I have some kind of faith that he'll maybe punch him in the face.

"No. You're wrong." Zayn says and they stand there in silence. I look back and forth between them and can easily tell that they're having a battle inside their heads.

"Laura what do you think?" After a long time, Zayn inquires me to speak.

I do the right thing and speak the truth and my honest answer. I have to look over my words carefully so I don't say the wrong thing or they'll get the wrong impression.

"Look Zayn, I love the fact that you like me, but that doesn't mean that I will like you back. You lied to me and despite that lie, I decided to hang out with you and that was my mistake that you got the wrong impression. Yes we'll be friends but I don't think I'll be any more than that. I had already found my love before you told me you love me. Like Harry said, I don't want to be used by you." I finish speaking and hoping Zayn has taken the clue.

"So what are you trying to say?" Zayn says.

"I don't love you. I love someone else. However I love you as my friend." I speak clearly.

"So...this is it?" Zayn says and as he does. There's silence in the room and all I can see is the hurt in Zayn's face.

I don't have the words to speak so I just nod. Zayn's face turns down even more. He makes his way to the door but pauses while holding the door knob. He tilts his head over his shoulder and says "I hope you never have a happy ending." and leaves.

My breath is knocked out of me and Zayn curses me. Or us? I have no idea.

I look over to Harry who's face is displays hurt. Why is he hurt? Shouldn't he be happy?

He notices me looking at him so he speaks.


"Aren't you going to ask who I'm in love with?"

He huffs and looks down. When he looks up his eyes are shining glossy. Are those tears?

"Who? Who is that lucky person?" He asks with his voice shaking a little bit.

I don't speak and only smile. I get up from the bed and stand in front of him. I look up at him and simply say:


He eyes lighten up and he smiles so much that his dimples pop out.

"W..What?" He stammers.

"I'm in love you, Harry Styles."

He laughs and grins and wraps his arms around me and kisses me. Hard. No softness. Just desperation.

He pauses just to say "I love you Laura, you have no idea how much I wanted you to say that."

"Well now you have it and I can say it as many times and you want me to."

We laugh and then he kisses me again. As we kiss, he drags me to my bed and lay me down there.


We have been lying down here for about four hours because sometimes I lose track of time. We have just been talking and talking. Laughing at each others stupidity.

"I dated about eight girls" Harry says and I look over to him.

"And one of them was really cute with dark brown hair and I really loved her." Harry continues and I give him a look.

"I was talking about you!" Harry says and laughs to himself. I find myself smiling.

"Ha ha. Very funny." I say.

"Don't worry. I won't date anyone else now because I don't need to." Harry says. He holds my hand and kisses my temple.

When he kisses my temple and speaks which swells my heart up.

"You're mine. Forever until I die."

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