Chapter 13

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I wake up in my bed with the blanket covers on top. I hear light snoring behind me. I turn my face around and see Harry’s lips slightly parted. It was amazing yesterday. Just sitting there watching ‘The Notebook’ with Harry. He is not bad company but I just fear Rebecca. What if she throws a tantrum again like last time? She threatened me not to come near or talk to Harry. But it’s not like I am going to listen to her. I guess me and Harry could be friends. Maybe.

I get up from the bed slowly and silently so I don’t wake Harry, I pad towards the bathroom door and have a quick shower and change into my formal clothes, ready for college. To learn something new. I walk out of the room without making any noise whilst grabbing my bag. I walk throw the corridor with a few people walking around. I wonder if those are the good students who actually come here to study.

I make my way to my class as I walk into the class; I notice a girl, who I have known to threaten me from staying away from Harry, sits by the middle part of the classroom. Her mouth slips to a wider smile as she sees me; a wicked one, I guess. I don’t really want to sit anywhere near her, despite the fact what I did to her last time. Her eyes follow me as I take a seat in my normal seat. I wonder what she is doing here. She wasn’t even in this class last week or the week before that. I mean ever.

Fortunately for me, our professor walks in the classes, which is good for me because I and Rebecca have been giving each other awkward looks. Our professor, known as Mr. Francis; a tall, white haired teacher. He is nice at times but he could be mean when he wants to. He gives me a warming smile as he notices me and Rebecca.  

“Hello Laura and Rebecca.” He says as he sees us. “Don’t you lot think you lot are a bit too early for class?” He continues. Oh! I have nothing to say to him because he is right. I am early. We are early.

“Oh, well...I like to get to classes early so I know I am ready for learning.” I say and my teacher gives me a proud smile. Proud that he has a student who wants to learn for once.  

“That is good to hear from you...And oh yeah, there is a new student in our class. She is a lovely new student.” He says, nodding at Rebecca and smiling at her. When I turn around to look at her, she is smiling back at Mr. Francis. “And she has just started university because she said she wanted to learn more. Her dad wouldn’t let her come here at first but now she is here and I am glad.” He adds. I pull up a confused face. Studying my confused face, Mr. Francis continues “I knew this because her father is my brother. We are pretty close.” He says and I am left shocked. I had no idea that my geography teacher would be related to someone like Rebecca. They have nothing alike. Nothing. I mean nothing. Rebecca is mean, unlike our teacher who is so kind-hearted.

I look over to Rebecca who is smiling continuously, which is sort of getting on my nerves now. I look back at my teacher who seems quite proud to have niece like Rebecca. God, this is getting annoyingly awkward. At last, more and more students starting to come in which I guess, I can take it as a good thing. To make things for awkward, Rebecca gets up from her seat and takes it next to me. I look over to her for a second and she gives me a smile, which I guess I should return but I don’t want to, despite the fact what she did to me. Our teacher starts the class and he starts to talk about ecosystems which we learn in year 8. He sets us a writing task to do. As I am writing, I am, well, the whole class, is interrupted by someone falling through the door as that person steps in. It’s the person I least expected to be here.

“Sorry, I am late.” Harry’s voice rings around the room, catching half the class’ attention, especially girls. My mouth hangs open as he enters and he does not look happy as he sees me with Rebecca or the other way round. He simply comes in and takes a seat next to me. When I cock my head sideway to look at him, he gives me an adorable smile, showing his dimples.  I wonder what that means.

(Heyy guys, i know its a bit short but I am updating more now! Love you guys, plzz dont stop voting and commenting. Love your comments and let me know what you think and vote as well plzzz. Love you xx <3 ) 

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