Chapter 16

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I still don’t know what to think. What took place minutes ago? Why it happened and how? I just don’t know what to think. My brain seems to have stopped functioning now. I don’t have any strength to think. I am blinked away from my thoughts of the events by my phone ringing. I move my hand up to see who it is. It’s Corrin. Of course. I was supposed to call her as soon as I had to get out of the toilet but some things invaded my brain.  My shaking thumb moves towards the green button but something inside my mind tells me to press the blinking red button but I push the thought away as I tap on the bright green button.

“Hello?” Corrin’ voice booms through the speaker as soon as I put the device against my ear.

“Umm..,You okay? “ I say, concern clear in my voice.

“Yeah, I am fine. I just wanted to know if you were okay because you didn’t call me.” Corrin says and I explain her everything that took place just now within few minutes.

She listens to me carefully and silently that I feel for a minute that she is not on the line anymore.

“....Hello? You there?” I ask her, worried if she slept during my story or something because it seems fake or made up.

“....ummm...yeah...I’m just....shocked? I guess.” She says and it sounds like she is asking that question herself.

“Well...what do you think? About this?” I say because I have no idea what to say and she has a right to be shocked because she is as shocked as I am.

“Ummm....I don’t know. He could be playing with you.” She says and in every way, she has a humour in her voice and for once, she is thinking.

“True but why?”

“Because that’s Harry, Laura. He can sometimes be very charming when it comes to girls. All he does is play with them. He will date them, be nice to them but then he won’t talk to them again after they break up. Like ever. Except if he has a reason.”

I consider Corrin’s explanation about Harry and to be honest, she can be right. Harry and Corrin were dating. They broke up. Harry met her again. I don’t know why.

“Then, how did you meet Harry again?” I ask the question which was bothering me the most in this situation.

“Listen, can we talk about this later?”

“Okay, but where are we doing?”

“Oh right! I want you to come to a party.” She says with a hint of joy.

“Ummm....a party?” I say nervously, thinking about the last time we went to a “party” and the consequences. But I have nothing to lose anymore so...I don’t know.

“Yeah, a party. Don’t worry, there won’t be anyone we know.” She surely has read my mind if she didn’t before.

“Umm....I’m still not sure. I don’t care if I know anyone there or not but I don’t think I feel like going to parties.”

“Urrghh....just come on!” Her urging is clear in her voice.

I consider her request for a moment.  Without another thought I jump to a conclusion.

“Okay, I will be there in 30 minutes. Where is it?”

“Same where it was last time.”

“Okay, I will be there, text me the address again. I might get lost.”

“Okay, see you there then.” She says and hangs up the phone. As promised, a minute later, my phone vibrates in my shaking hands and I look up to see Corrin’ text with the address. I read it for a moment and make my way towards the cupboard and get a dress out at random.

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