Chapter 15

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I don’t know who Harry thinks he is. He thinks he can understand girl’ emotion which isn’t true. First of all, he is not a girl. I hope so. The second, he just doesn’t know how girls feel. He doesn’t know how I felt when I broke up with Louis. It was a disaster since he was the only boyfriend I had. He broke my heart. He couldn’t choose between me and the other girl, whatever her name is.

I sob as the hot water is running on my body. It is getting pretty cold out there. Winter is really starting to come out. 

Suddenly, making me jump, my phone starts to ring on the shelf where I placed it before getting into the shower.  I wonder who it is. For one second, I think it could be my mum but she won’t call me now. I mean why would she?

I reach the counter shelf just to see who it is. It’s Corrin. Phew. I will call her once I am out of the shower. But it keeps ringing and ringing until I get frustrated by the sound of my own phone and am forced to get out of the shower just to pick the annoying, buzzing phone up.

“Hello?” Corrin’ voice rushes through the speaker as soon as I pick up.

“Hey, is something wrong? You sound...rushed?” I say which sounds more like a question than a statement.

“Huh? Oh nothing. It’s just...Uhm...What are you doing?”

“Oh trust me, you don’t want to know what I am or was doing right now.”

“Oh, what took so long to pick the phone up? Probably hooking up with Harry.” She says and I want to murder her for saying this.

“Excuse me?” I say, offended.

“Okay, Okay, I’m sorry.” She says and I hope she means it because she will be paying for it. Hard.

“Yes, you should be. Anyways, what are you doing?” 

“Oh nothing, I was just tiding up my room because my mum said that I can’t leave the house without tiding up my room.”

“Ohhh, where are you going?” I say.

“Nowhere, I was about to come to yours...oh yeah, I was supposed to call you to tell you to get ready.” She says and I can imagine her excited face, I don’t know about what.

“Get ready? Where are we going?” I ask.  I might have a hint of where we are going but I can’t be exactly sure.

“To a party. Do you want to go? I am not sure. I thought it would be a good idea.’’ She says and I can tell she is starting to feel a little down now because of my rejection.

“Ummm....I am not exactly sure if I want to go...” I say. I know I should be accepting it but something is stopping it and I know what exactly it is. And she just says it.

“Oh come on. I am sure Louis won’t be there and you know it. I am sure you are over him by now.” She rambles on like it means nothing. But it does. Alot.

“Corrin, I am not exactly....”I start to say when I am distracted by a sharp rapping on the door.

“Laura..who are you talking to in there?” Harry’ voice speaks from the other side of the wooden door.

“Myself.” I say sarcastically. I can imagine his confusing face right now which makes me giggle lightly.

“Really? Ok, then I need to call the doctors.” He says, taking in my sarcasm. What an idiot!

 “Seriously? I was being sarcastic. You are so....urgh..” I am getting annoyed at Harry now. He is annoying.

“Laura..You there? Who are you talking to?” Corrin’ voice booms throw the speaker and I forget that she is there.

“Oh nothing. I was talking to Harry.” I say.

“But who are you talking to in there?” Harry says from the other side of the door.

“That’s none of your business.” I say.

“He is a little annoying thing, isn’t he?” Corrin say through the speaker.

“A little?” I say and hear Corrin laugh at the same time as Harry speaks.

“I need the toilet and you have been in there for hour.” He says and I look at the clock. It has nearly been an hour.

“Okay. I will be out in a minute.” I say.

“Yeah, Corrin, can you just give me five minutes. I have to get out of the bathroom but I have to get changed before I get out because....”I trail off.

“Okay, Okay.  I get it. Call me back yeah.” She says and I hang up.

As promised, I get changed quickly and get out of the bathroom as soon as possible.

“That took you long.” Harry’ voice startles me when I step out of the bathroom.

“Whatever.” I say, rolling my eyes at him, knowing, it won’t really help me defeat him.

As soon as Harry shuts the bathroom door behind him I realise that I forgot my phone in the bathroom. I don’t know if I should knock and ask for the phone back or not. But before I could think of anything, I realise my feet are carrying me towards the bathroom door and my knuckles meet the wooden door.

“Yeah what?” Harry replies but knock.

“Uhmm...I forgot my phone in there.”

“Whatever. I flushed it down the toilet already. Too late.” He says and I hear the flushing sound, thinking if he has already done it. I mean seriously. But somehow I know he is just joking around with me.

Seconds later, I hear the tap water turn on and then close again. Right after that, the door opens and Harry’ body shadows over me. My phone in one of his hand. He looks down on me like I mean something to him, which is probably not the case at the moment. He moves his body closer to mine but I move back a little. He grabs me by my arm and pins me against the wall, where once I got pinned by Rebecca. All he does is staring at me. I don’t know what to do or say because I am no longer in control of my body.

He motions his face closer to mine and he stops when our noses brush each other’s. I feel my eye lids close and suck in a breath. A smile plays on his lips and then he caught me off guard totally by pressing my lips to his. His lips feel soft and minty. I don’t know what to think since he is in control of my body at the moment and I hate it. I don’t even know what’s happening. Eventually, he breaks the contact but he lips brush against mine which makes a warm feeling come inside me.  He still holds me by my arms pinning at the wall, but I don’t want to move. I want this to happen again. So badly.  A smile breaks onto his face and he moves his face away from mine, unpinning me from the wall.  

As he moves back, I stare at him with my eyes wide open. He points his phone at me, gesturing me to take it, but I am too busy examining his features. I swear my jaw is on the floor by now. When I don’t take my phone, when he was gesturing it towards me, he moves forward and takes my hand and puts my phone in my hand and whispers “That was fun.”

 I eye him and he chuckles, walking away from me. He grabs his phone and wallet and heads out of the door without a glance back. I watch him as he walks out. My eyes still on the door even though, I know, he is not there.

(Heyy guys, I know,, i havent updated for long and plz don't be upset. I love you all for reading this and this is an early update because i wouldnt be able to update this weekend because im going London (yayyyy) but plz plz plz vote and comment and let me know what you think. Was it good? Rubbish? Okay? Well, let me know and I want to hear your theories as well. Love you all xx <3 <3)

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