Rei's nasty fall

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"Naruto!" Rei and Sakura yelled in horror as they watched Naruto fall out the sky from the explosion the blonde haired Akatsuki member had made.

They both sighed in relief as Sai's bird caught him. They were searching for one of the Akatsuki's hideout and they found it. Now they were fighting one of the members, the blonde haired one.

"That was close." Rei said as Naruto landed on the ground next to them.
"This dude with his stupid clay toys is annoying me." Kiba said annoyed.
Rei shouted to the blonde boy. "Hey blondie if you call that art then I think you need to go back to art school!" She said.

"You wouldn't know real art even if it exploded in your face, hm" He said as he threw down several clay birds at them.

Rei tripped as she tried to shield herself from the explosion, she closed her eyes waiting on the impact. Not feeling any pain, she opened her eyes seeing Shino's insects sheltering everyone.

"Thanks Shino." She sighed in relief.

"We have to get close to him, he's a long range fighter. That means he's probably not good at close combat." Shino explained to the others.

"Hinata is the best one here at close combat, we'll both go into the air and I'll distract him while Hinata finds a way onto that gigantic weird clay bird of his" Rei said.

Everyone agreed.
"Sai." Sakura said
"Got it." Sai said as he drew two birds. Rei and Hinata hopped on them as they took to the air.
"Don't you girls agree that Art is only a moment?" The blondie asked them as he molded up another piece of clay.

"Your obsession with art is making me sick." Rei said as she weaved a hand sign.

"Water style water dragon jutsu!" She held out her palms as she aimed two water dragons at him. He threw an explosive at them, making them explode.

"You know you're pretty cute for an Akatsuki member." Rei grinned at him.

The blondie threw his fist out at her. She could swear his ears turned red. "I will not be downgraded to cute. I am art and Art is not cute!" He shouted at her.
Rei saw Hinata jump on top of clay boy's bird.
"You know what's cute? My friend, Hinata!" She said as she made the gesture to him to turn around.

He turned around as Hinata hit him with gentle fist. Rei watched a little amazed in his fighting abilities. He was skilled in taijutsu too but not as skilled as Hinata. He flew back, almost falling off his clay bird. Rei weaved a hand sign, making wooden stakes come out the ground beneath where he was. He was stuck with nowhere to go.

"So you're the brat with the wood release ability hm." He said as he struggled pulling himself back up since Hinata had cut off most of his chakra points.

We're probably the same age!" Rei said sounding miffed.

He ignored her and said, "I will not die by the hands of people who do not have respect for art and can not see the beauty in my own. I will die with my art. My art is an explosion!" He pulled out his clay and started eating it.

"Dude that's gross!" Rei was disgusted.
His body started blowing up, getting bigger by the second. Rei realized what he was doing. Her eyes widened in panic.

"Everyone get out of here!! He's going to explode!" She yelled down to everyone.
"Wood style wood dome jutsu!" She said as she produced a wood dome around Hinata right as the blondie blew himself up.
Rei felt herself being thrown off of Sai's bird with full force. She felt her body become numb as she hit the ground hard, then everything went black.

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