Chapter 5

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About a week later, when the interview was scheduled, Alec stared up at the giant almost-mansion in front of him. What else did he expect from one of the world's most popular celebrities? Still, the giant home (if one could call it a "home") unnerved him even more than he had already been during the car ride there. Alec was seventeen, almost eighteen, and he could drive on his own. Still, his mother had insisted on making sure that he would arrive at the right place, she would not take any chances on it.

Isabelle had volunteered to accompany him, while Jace, Simon, and Clary stayed behind. No matter how many times he protested, saying that he would be fine, she had insisted until he had to finally give in to her.

"You need a bit of pep talk before the interview," she told him, her voice firm, "And I'm just the one to give it to you."

During the entire car ride, Isabelle had told him all the tips she knew on talking to someone, and about meeting their eyes.

"Show him that you know what you're doing," Isabelle said, "Stare him right in his eyes to let him know that you are in control of this interview whenever you ask him a question."

"Stare him right in the eyes?" Alec felt himself growing more and more alarmed by the moment, "By the angel, Izzy, I don't want to scare him off."

"You won't scare him," she said confidently. Her next words were lower, whispered right into his ear so that mother couldn't hear them.

"Besides, I think he thinks your cute."

Alec glared at her, "Not funny," he muttered under his breath to her.

"I'm serious," she told him, "Besides, don't you think that you and Magnus...could become friends? Maybe more than that?"

He sighed, looking at his eager little sister. Isabelle was the only person who knew his sexuality. She was also the only one who knew about his hidden feelings for Jace. She also understood that Jace would never feel the same way for him, especially now that Clary Fairchild had caught his attention.

"Just because I'm gay," he said softly to her, "Doesn't mean I'm attracted to every guy in the world. Besides, he's a famous actor, he lives life expensively and always in the spotlight. I'm...just me."

"I really think he likes you," Isabelle tried again.

"And I like someone else," with that one sentence said, Alec turned to the car window. The two of them didn't say anything else for the entire trip, and just sat side by side in an unbroken silence. There was nothing else to be said, anyways.

Now he stood, in front of the shining, mahogany double doors of Magnus Bane's house. In one hand he gripped a pencil, in the other his notebook, which was full of the questions he and Jace had worked to prepare for Magnus Bane. Alec rang the doorbell. He cringed and flinched slightly when he heard the loud noise ring throughout the entire house. It echoed on and on, past all the rooms in the house in bold, ringing chimes. Alec waited for a moment, fidgeting uncomfortably for a while. Maybe they had somehow gotten the interview date wrong, maybe Magnus had just decided not to go through with the interview at all?

Alec moved to pull his cell phone out of his pocket to call Isabelle or Jace, his heart sinking slightly. He had to admit he felt slightly, just the smallest bit, disappointed.

Then, a faint crackling sound of static came from the sound box near the doorbell. Alec moved closer to it leaning in.

There was a loud, distinguished voice next, booming into Alec's ear. He flinched, jerking backwards quickly as the voice rang out.


There was an awkward silence for a moment, Alec stunned and not knowing what to say. He had never expected Magnus to react like this to his arrival. Magnus's voice came now much calmer, but there was the still the same confident air to it that had been there when he had belted out his greeting.

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