Chapter 10

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Alec had never been inside a limo before. He had always expected when he finally somehow managed to end inside of one, he might be furiously scribbling notes for Shadowhunter Gossip, or perhaps maybe to amazed by the luxurious place to do anything at all. The limo's seats were velvet, so soft and comfortable that he was almost afraid of sitting down, as if simply letting himself down onto the seat would soil it and ruin everything. There were drinks of several different types of wine inside, the color of the liquid variating in multiple different colors, one crystal-like glass was even filled with an alarmingly, bright neon pink liquid that Alec was fully convinced would be safe to drink. There was a small TV matted to one side as well, although it was turned off. Alec could see a warped reflection of himself in the dark screen, and the small remote with bead-like buttons lay off to the side, abandoned and forgotten.

The limo, and how luxurious it was, was now that farthest thing that he could really concentrate on.

"So," Alec could tell that Magnus Bane was making a serious effort now to try to break the uncomfortable air that had suddenly settled among them. Alec had been in a lot of uncomfortable and awkward situations throughout his years, but he had never really expected this to be one of the most awkward he felt so far. At another time, and perhaps if this had been happening to someone else, he might've laughed.

It didn't seem as quite as hilarious to him right now.

"Thank you," Alec had to try as well, "Although you really didn't have to do this. Honestly, a phone call would've been just fine."

Great, he thought to himself, mentally slapping himself on the head, way to go Alec, now you just sound inconsiderate and ungrateful.

Magnus didn't seem to notice.

"I didn't have your phone number, though," he said thoughtfully. Alec knew that Magnus probably could've easily gotten it from Catarina, or his mother, but he decided not to mention it.

"Oh," he said, a bit softly, "Well, I guess you can have mine, I mean, if you really want it."

He recited the numbers from his mind as Magnus logged them into his phone, which was protected with a vibrant, sparkling golden case with a design of a golden crown scrawled across the center of it. Just like the rest of him, Magnus's phone had to outshine the others. Alec was almost afraid that after this, he would be stuck for a while trying to wash glitter out of his hair.

"Can I see your phone?" Magnus asked him a bit absentmindedly as he slipped his own back into his pocket. A bit surprised, Alec didn't even think about refusing as he pulled his own phone, today with no case to cover it, and handed it over.

"What's your password?" Magnus asked him.

Alec managed to stutter out his password and Magnus swiped past the lock screen with a long, thin finger.

"Um, may I ask," Alec sat on the edge of the seat, beneath it, he could feel the gentle, purring hum of the limo engine as it rolled away towards their destination, "What exactly are you doing?"

"I'm adding my own phone number of course," Magnus told him, tapping at the screen gently, "I mean, you did already tell me yours, I'm simply returning the favor."

"Oh, thanks?" Alec cringed slightly, although he hoped that Magnus hadn't noticed. He hadn't expected it to come out so much like a question. He didn't seem to care, though, and handed Alec's phone back to him. Alec checked it. Magnus had added himself as a contact, and had added a dark red heart at the end of his name. Alec stared at it for a moment, and looked up at Magnus, prepared to ask. He decided better of it when Magnus raised an eyebrow, as if he was daring Alec to delete it. Almost sheepishly, he put his phone away, leaving the heart there.

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