Chapter 23

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Alec thought he hadn't heard the director correctly. No one, in fact, had told him about this scene. He supposed that it might've been present in his script, but he hadn't gotten that far along in the pages yet to this scene. His co-star looked up at him through squinting eyes, her irises underneath were cool and judging, daring him to say a word against kissing her.

"It's just a kiss," Raphael was saying now, and he sounded exasperated, "You're an actor now, and you have to do things like this. Don't think too much. You've kissed someone before, right?"

Magnus's face, like a bright and burning image right in front of his eyes, that was all that Alec could see. Raphael's words echoed hollowly in his ears. You've been kissed before, right? He remembered the other actor's soft and gentle mouth over his own, and the warmth that seemed to suddenly seep inside of him with no warning. It had been the most wonderful feeling in the world, and Alec knew that he could never ask for anything more. Kissing someone else, even if it was just for a movie, it wouldn't be the same. The taste of Magnus was still lingering inside of his mouth, and he couldn't think straight. It took a moment for Alec to be able to whip himself back to reality, pulling himself back to the real world with an invisible rope that drew him in without him noticing it himself.

"And 3...2...1...action!" Raphael's voice sounded distant and far away.

Alec had no other choice but to lean in close to the girl's face, carefully putting his hands on her cheeks. He could tell that she was acting, her eyes widened so they looked too innocent, and her mouth was slightly parted. There seemed to be a wave of nausea that passed over Alec, it wasn't that her breath smelled bad or she wasn't terribly pretty, but something about this entire thing, it just felt...wrong.

Some panic seemed to stir even more inside of him when he remembered that Magnus might be watching. Magnus must've been used to this sort of thing, and he had to know that Alec was just acting, but it still struck him with an absent sense of horror. Alec let out a soft breath, and leaned in to kiss her, the air around the two of them seemed to turn frigid and cold.

But her mouth wasn't on his.

He felt her face pull away from his, and where one of his hands had been resting lightly on her waist was suddenly empty air. She had been ripped away from him, and someone else was pulling him close instead. There was a moment of streaking panic and confusion from Alec, and he tried to pull away, but the new person held him in a strong, firm grip.

Still, the grip was gentle at the same time, and Alec knew who it was.

Magnus pressed down his lips over Alec's, drawing him close until he was almost crushing Alec. He couldn't think about anything else, and suddenly his mind was full of everything Magnus was. There was his sweet smile that could be sly at the same time, the bright colors of emerald and pure gold that tinted his irises and glittered brilliantly when you looked directly at them. Alec had never felt as if he could notice so much about a single person.

As they kissed, Alec could feel a racing heartbeat between the two of them, but it was impossible to tell who's it was. They broke apart for a moment, and Alec stared into Magnus's serious face, his eyes widening. Magnus seemed a bit startled by his own actions as well. The two of them turned over to look at the rest of the workers on the set.

Makeup artists and clothing team had stopped hurrying around, preparing for the next scene to be shot. A couple of assistants that had been snickering and laughing lightly at the scene that Alec was supposed to be performing earlier look as if they had been slapped across the face. One of them holding a full paper cup of coffee had tipped the cup over in their hands, so rich, warm brown liquid had started rushing out and over the pale, freckled skin of their hand. He didn't seem to notice, and like everyone else, was gawking at Magnus and Alec as if they were new species of animals that he had never seen before.

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