V: Blood Moon

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It was the final night of the festival and having already searched every inch of the island Hemera, I already knew my mate wouldn't be anywhere among this crowd. Yet, I still had to keep up appearances, so I allowed myself to be announced and danced with a few ladies before excusing myself.

The Blood Moon would be hitting any second now, and I preferred to be away from the havoc it would cause so I went to one of the guest restricted areas, my gardens.

I decided to just stay by the fountain and relax, only to find someone was already there.

"Noah? What are you doing out here?"

"I just wanted some fresh air. The better question is how did you manage to get away?"

"I told my mother to cover for me."

He starts to chuckle at that, a truly beautiful sound and taps the spot on the bench beside him.

"Something is bothering you, more than usual." he states.

"Am I that transparent?"

"No. You never come here unless you're extremely upset. Last time I saw you even come in this direction you thought that maybe your mate had died before you could meet them."

"It's just, I worry that I've been going about this all wrong."

"Finding your mate?" he questions.

"Yes, but not that. Ruling this kingdom. I've been king for six years now and still have yet to abolish one of those wretched laws, which I feel is the route to the troubles I'm having with finding them. I spent four years after being of age still stuck in the old mindset only for it to possibly be a shewolf and now I think that they might be male. If I had done away with them when I had first thought too, I can't help but think that I wouldn't have all of these guests in my home and instead be curled up with them by a fireplace after a long day of work."

"You had no motive back then to abolish them. Now you do. You can't beat yourself up for that."

"No, I did. I had a motive but I was ashamed of it. If anything I think it provided real insight on who my mate would be in the future. I used to fancy someone, a lord from the kingdom of Fraia. That should have been a clue that I would have mated to a male but I blindly ignored it. Now look at me. I'm suffering from some disease because my mate is too afraid to come out to me."

"I'm sure that everything will turn out just fine. Just you wait and-" he stopped speaking and I hear a thump.

I look over to my right and see him lying unconscious, looking quite pale.

"Noah?!" I shook him calling out his name but he remained unmoved.

Before letting panic consume me, I threw his limp body over my shoulder and raced to the closed room, which so happened to be my own, and gently placed him down, so that he would be comfortable. I was just about to go and find Malick when I heard a groan.

"No! Don't go get him. I'll be fine."

"Do you usually just randomly faint mid sentence?" I question.

"All days that end with y. I'll be okay. If I tell you something do you promise to hear me out?"

I nod my head, giving him a curious look as I sat at the edge of the bed looking at him curiously.

"The reason why I refuse to go on those mate hunts with you, isn't because I think it's safer for you to remain here. It's because I can't watch you move to insanity trying to find someone who's sitting next to you the entire time. I know I should have said something, but can you blame me? I was afraid I would be killed or just some secret side piece while you showed off some princess as your bride and I wouldn't have been able to bear either of those fates. I was going to come clean last week but then I fell under heat, and I didn't want to have you accept me because you were drunk on lust. I know you're probably angry but-"

I slam my lips to his, effectively shutting him up, and pull away after a few moments.

"I'm sorry I just got excited. I know I must have seemed like a hard ass, but I'm glad it ended up being you and not some ditzy lady or princess without an opinion."

"So does this mean-"

"I accept you? Yes. Now mate, why are you randomly fainting?"

"It's the heat. I have this ring and it blocks it but it seems to be getting worse over time."

"Then take it off. I promise I'll control myself, but you shouldn't have to be suffering."

He bit his lip but still made a move to take it off, pausing once it was almost off.

"You promise you can control yourself until I give you the absolute go ahead?"

"On my crown."

He slips it off the rest of the way and I'm hit with it in full force.

"Love are you alright?" I ask him.

"It's so hot." he complains, taking off his tunic, attempting to fan himself, and then doing away with the blouse as well.

He would have stripped himself bare if I hadn't stopped him after his chest was bare. I may have self control but not that much.

"Skin to sin contact will help, just keep the rest of your clothing on, except for the boots."

He nods and peels those off as I remove the top half of my clothes as well, leaving my chest bare as well.

I motion him closer and he practically all but leapt on top of me. I wrapped my arms around him and he seemed to calm down a bit.

The key word was "seemed" because after a few moments he must have gotten bored because he began kissing down my neck to my chest and I had to pry him off me, and face him away to keep my own sanity.

"You're no fun." he pouts.

"You'll thank me once this heat subsides."

This was just his regular heat, the Blood Moon had yet to hit, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to hold myself back.

"Ugh it's too warm." he complains, getting up and opening a window.

He rests back into my arms and attempts to get comfortable, moving against me in the most sinful way.

Why do the Gods keep testing me like this? What have I done to deserve any of it?

He finally gets comfortable and I hear him doze off.

We remained positioned like that for another hour or so until he woke up as the Blood Moon reached its peak, practically trying to claw at himself.

I straddle him, putting his arms above his head and he began to pant.

"I-I don't think I can bear this any longer. Make it stop!" he demands.

"Noah are you sure-"

"Yes! Mark me, mate me, do it. I just need this to stop!"

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